SocioHealthLab 2024 (Un)conference

May 15 , 2024 

Host­ed by Socio­Health­Lab, Uni­ver­si­ty of Queens­land, Australia

Socio­Health­Lab 2024 (Un)conference
15th May 2024.
Mean­jin / Bris­bane, Aus­tralia and online on 

Socio­Health­Lab is host­ing its 2nd ‘(Un)Conference’ for social and the­o­ry-informed researchers of health, prac­ti­tion­ers, con­sumers, and car­ers to con­nect, exchange, and ener­gise. Uncon­fer­ences pro­vide rich oppor­tu­ni­ties for par­tic­i­pants to con­nect from diverse dis­ci­plines through infor­mal and flex­i­ble pro­grammes, and through tra­di­tion­al and cre­ative pre­sen­ta­tions. Aligned with our val­ues and vision, this uncon­fer­ence will be a one-day, free, and hybrid event fea­tur­ing excit­ing pre­sen­ta­tions, pan­el dis­cus­sions, and cre­ative art work­shops to col­lec­tive­ly re-imag­ine health and care. This might be of par­tic­u­lar inter­est of who works or have lived expe­ri­ences in the space of health, med­i­cine, and care.

We invite health researchers, prac­ti­tion­ers, con­sumers, and all oth­ers rel­e­vant to health and care to con­tribute to this event by sub­mit­ting free-for­mat pro­pos­al. You can find the CFP attached and here. Dead­line for pro­pos­al is 8th April 2024 and you will be noti­fied for results on 15th April.

This event will be hold in Mean­jin / Bris­bane, Aus­tralia and online on 15th May 2024. Please reg­is­ter here if you would like to attend in per­son or online. Please direct all ques­tions and abstract sub­mis­sions to