Scientific Advisory Board

Accord­ing to its statutes, the AGEM has a sci­en­tif­ic advi­so­ry board (§ 3.3). The task of the advi­so­ry board is to advise the board, to pro­mote the asso­ci­a­tion in the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty and to strength­en its profile.

For the peri­od 2023 to 2025 the advi­so­ry board is con­sti­tut­ed as follows:

Christoph Antweil­er (since 2016)

*1956, anthro­pol­o­gist, Pro­fes­sor for South­east Asian Stud­ies, Insti­tute of Ori­en­tal and Asian Stud­ies (IOA) and vice direc­tor of the Insti­tute of Ori­en­tal and Asian Stud­ies (IOA), Uni­ver­si­ty of Bonn. Antweil­er focus­es on depen­dent eco­nom­ic and per­son­al rela­tions per­tain­ing to work in South­east Asia. Work rela­tions, for exam­ple in Indone­sia, tend to be sub­di­vid­ed into sev­er­al steps involv­ing sev­er­al peo­ple between the cus­tomer and the con­trac­tor. If some­one wants to build a house, he hires one indi­vid­ual as a con­trac­tor who then orga­nizes the build­ing team and large parts of the build­ing plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion. In doing this, he often uses rel­a­tives or peo­ple depen­dent on him or who owe him from ear­li­er depen­dent rela­tions. This cre­ates a chain of patron-client rela­tions often involv­ing semi-free work rela­tions. Antweil­er is a mem­ber of the Acad­e­mia Europaea (Lon­don) and a mem­ber of the Inter­na­tion­al Advi­so­ry Board, Hum­boldt-Forum (Berlin).


Cora Ben­der (since 2023)

Cora Ben­der, Dr. phil., ist Eth­nolo­gin und spezial­isiert auf Medi­en, Med­ical Anthro­pol­o­gy, Reli­gion und das indi­gene Nor­dameri­ka. Ihre Dis­ser­ta­tion über indi­gene Medi­en und Wis­senskul­tur des amerikanis­chen Mit­tel­west­ens wurde mit dem Frobe­nius­preis für exzel­lente ethno­graphis­che Forschung aus­geze­ich­net und 2011 unter dem Titel „Die Ent­deck­ung der indi­ge­nen Mod­erne“ beim Tran­script-Ver­lag veröf­fentlicht. Sie war wis­senschaftliche Mitar­bei­t­erin am Frank­furter DFG-Forschungskol­leg „Wis­senskul­tur und gesellschaftlich­er Wan­del“ sowie am Insti­tut für Eth­nolo­gie und Kul­tur­wis­senschaft der Uni­ver­sität Bre­men. Als Vertre­tungs- bzw. Gast­pro­fes­sorin hat sie an der Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas (Austin), am Hei­del­berg­er Exzel­len­z­clus­ter „Asia and Europe in a Glob­al Con­text“, an der Uni­ver­sität Wien und an der LMU München gelehrt. Derzeit arbeit­et sie am Graduiertenkol­leg „Locat­ing­Me­dia“ der Uni­ver­sität Siegen. Forschungss­chw­er­punk­te: Kulte der Regen­er­a­tion und Revi­tal­isierung / Schnittstellen zwis­chen Medi­en, Reli­gion und Medi­zin; Dig­i­tal Health; Meth­o­d­en, Prax­is und Prax­is­the­o­rie in der Med­ical Anthro­pol­o­gy; indi­gene Gesund­heit; Ernährung und Wellbeing/ Poli­tis­che Sou­veränität; indi­gene Medi­en und Aktivis­mus / Ver­flech­tungs­geschichte von Eth­nolo­gie und Medi­en­wis­senschaft; Kri­tis­che Area Stud­ies; Nordamerika.

Cor­nelius Borck (seit 2016)

Cor­nelius Bor­ck is Direc­tor of the Insti­tute of His­to­ry of Med­i­cine and Sci­ence Stud­ies (IMGWF) of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lübeck, and Act­ing Direc­tor of the Cen­ter for Cul­tur­al Research Lübeck (ZKFL). He stud­ied med­i­cine, phi­los­o­phy reli­gious stud­ies and his­to­ry of med­i­cine in Ham­burg, Hei­del­berg and Berlin. After com­plet­ing his stud­ies with a PhD in Neu­ro­science at Impe­r­i­al Col­lege Lon­don and a post­doc in sci­ence stud­ies at Biele­feld Uni­ver­si­ty, he was award­ed a Karl-Schädler-Research Fel­low­ship at the Max-Planck-Insti­tute for the His­to­ry of Sci­ence in Berlin, direct­ed the research group “Writ­ing Life, Media Tech­nolo­gies and the His­to­ry of the Life Sci­ences 1800–1900” in the Fac­ul­ty of Media at the Bauhaus Uni­ver­si­ty in Weimar and held a Cana­da Research Chair in Phi­los­o­phy and Lan­guage of Med­i­cine at McGill Uni­ver­si­ty in Montreal.


Han­sjörg Dilger (since 2018)

* 1968, Pro­fes­sor of Social and Cul­tur­al Anthro­pol­o­gy at Freie Uni­ver­sität Berlin. After obtain­ing his master’s degree (Mag­is­ter) in social and cul­tur­al anthro­pol­o­gy at FU Berlin with minors in African stud­ies and Eng­lish stud­ies (Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin), he com­plet­ed his doc­tor­ate in anthro­pol­o­gy at FU Berlin with a dis­ser­ta­tion on “HIV/AIDS and Social Rela­tions in the Con­text of Rur­al-Urban Migra­tion in Tan­za­nia” (2004). Between 2005 and 2007 he was Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor for “African Health and Soci­ety” at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Flori­da, Gainesville, and from 2007 to 2013 Junior Pro­fes­sor with a focus on “Reli­gious Diver­si­ty in Transna­tion­al Con­texts” at FU Berlin. Since 2011 he is head of the research unit Med­ical Anthro­pol­o­gy | Glob­al Health and since April 2022 speak­er of the SFB 11171 “Affec­tive Soci­eties: Dynam­ics of Liv­ing Togeth­er in Mov­ing Worlds” at Freie Uni­ver­sität. In 2014 he was Vis­it­ing Pro­fes­sor at the Insti­tute of Cul­tur­al and Social Anthro­pol­o­gy, Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na, and Vis­it­ing Fel­low at the African Cen­ter for Migra­tion and Soci­ety, Uni­ver­si­ty of the Wit­wa­ter­srand. Han­sjörg Dilger’s research and teach­ing focus on med­i­cine, health and reli­gion, and the reori­en­ta­tion of anthro­po­log­i­cal col­lec­tions in the con­text of glob­al and transna­tion­al inter­con­nec­tions. Select­ed pub­li­ca­tions in the field of med­ical anthro­pol­o­gy include the spe­cial issue “Im/Mobility and Dis/Connectivity in Med­ical Glob­al­iza­tion: How glob­al is Glob­al Health?” in Glob­al Pub­lic Health (2018, with Dominik Mattes) and the edit­ed vol­ume Med­i­cine, Mobil­i­ty and Pow­er in Glob­al Africa: Transna­tion­al Health and Heal­ing (2012, with Stacey Lang­wick and Abdoulaye Kane, Indi­ana Uni­ver­si­ty Press). He is a found­ing mem­ber of the Med­ical Anthro­pol­o­gy Work­ing Group in the Ger­man Anthro­po­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion (DGSKA e.V.), estab­lished in 1996, and its first chair between 2004 and 2010. From 2015–2019 he was chair­man of the DGSKA e.V., which was called Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völk­erkunde until 2017.


Kata­ri­na Greifeld (since 2004)

Born 1956, Dr. phil., free­lance devel­op­ment pol­i­cy expert in Frank­furt am Main, espe­cial­ly in the field of sex­u­al health, includ­ing super­vi­sion of qual­i­ta­tive research e.g. on female cir­cum­ci­sion in Mali. Doc­tor­ate in eth­nol­o­gy (1984) on an eth­nomed­ical top­ic („The Mayo heal­ing doc­trine – resis­tance and adap­ta­tion in the exam­ple of the med­ical sys­tem”), most impor­tant pub­li­ca­tion (ed.): Rit­u­al und Heilung. Eine Ein­führung in die Medi­zineth­nolo­gie, Berlin 2003, com­plete­ly revised 4th new edi­tion Berlin 2013 with the title „Medi­zineth­nolo­gie. Eine Ein­führung”. Also Greifeld K., Krahl W., Dies­feld H.J. & Stubbe H. (eds) 2019. „Gren­zgänge zwis­chen Eth­nolo­gie, Medi­zin und Psy­cholo­gie. Für Ekke­hard Schröder zum 75. Geburtstag”.(Border cross­ings between eth­nol­o­gy, med­i­cine and psy­chol­o­gy. For Ekke­hard Schröder on his 75th birth­day) Berlin: VWB-Ver­lag. She has been a mem­ber of AGEM since 1980 and was active in AGEM board as 2nd chair from 1988 to 1992, and as 1st chair in 2008–2009.

Eck­hardt Koch (since 2004)

Jg. 1951, Prof. Dr. med., Facharzt für Neu­rolo­gie, Psy­chi­ater und Psy­chother­a­pie. Bis Jan­u­ar 2017 Lei­t­en­der Arzt „Interkul­turelle Psy­chi­a­trie“ der Vitos Klinik für Psy­chi­a­trie und Psy­chother­a­pie Gießen-Mar­burg. Ab 1992 Auf­bau und Leitung ein­er psy­chother­a­peutisch / psy­cho­so­ma­tisch aus­gerichteten Sta­tion für interkul­turelle Psy­chi­a­trie. Seit Grün­dung im Novem­ber 1994 bis 2010 erster Vor­sitzen­der der Deutsch-Türkischen Gesellschaft für Psy­chi­a­trie, Psy­chother­a­pie und psy­chosoziale Gesund­heit e.V. (DTGPP). In dieser Funk­tion Organ­i­sa­tion von Kon­gressen in Deutsch­land und der Türkei. Seit 2013 Migra­tions­beauf­tragter der Vitos Hold­ing Kas­sel und seit 2014 Hon­o­rarpro­fes­sor am Insti­tut für Europäis­che Ethnologie/Kulturwissenschaft der Philipps-Uni­ver­sität Mar­burg. Forschungs­felder Tran­skul­turelle Psy­chi­a­trie und interkul­turelle Öff­nung von Insti­tu­tio­nen, zahlre­iche zumeist tran­skul­turell-psy­chi­a­trische Pub­lika­tio­nen in Büch­ern und Zeitschriften sowie Buchpublikationen.



William Sax (since 2004)

*1957, Prof. William S. Sax, PhD obtained degrees from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton in Seat­tle and Banaras Hin­du Uni­ver­si­ty before earn­ing his M.A. (1982) and PhD (1987) in Anthro­pol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go. He taught for two years at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty and eleven years in Christchurch, New Zealand before becom­ing head of the Depart­ment of Anthro­pol­o­gy in 2000.


Eber­hard Wolff (since 2004)

*1959, Adjunct Pro­fes­sor for Cul­tur­al Anthro­pol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Basel and Aca­d­e­m­ic Asso­ciate at the Depart­ment for Social Anthro­pol­o­gy and Cul­tur­al Stud­ies of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zürich, both Switzer­land. He holds a Mas­ter and a Dr. rer. soc. In Cul­tur­al Stud­ies from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübin­gen. For many years he has been work­ing at var­i­ous Insti­tutes for the His­to­ry of Med­i­cine in Ger­many and Switzer­land. Eber­hard Wolff’s fields of research and pub­li­ca­tion com­prise a vari­ety of top­ics, among which the His­to­ry and Anthro­pol­o­gy of Health, Med­i­cine and the Body pre­vails. Addi­tion­al­ly he is edi­tor of the Swiss Med­ical Jour­nal (Schweiz­erische Ärztezeitung) and teach­es Med­ical His­to­ry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zürich Med­ical Faculty.


Mar­tin Zillinger (since 2016)

After com­plet­ing his stud­ies in eth­nol­o­gy and phi­los­o­phy at Ham­burg, Berke­ley and Tübin­gen, Mar­tin Zillinger under­took field research in Mek­nes, Moroc­co, on new media and trance prac­tices, with fel­low­ship sup­port from the DFG and DAAD. The result­ing book has been award­ed the research prize of the Frobe­nius soci­ety. In research that grew out of a fol­low-up DFG project on Trance Medi­ums and New Media at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Siegen, Zillinger has increas­ing­ly dealt with the con­nec­tion between migra­tion and reli­gion among Arab-speak­ing migrants in Brus­sels and Paris. His field­work in the wide-rang­ing net­works of these reli­gious groups has tak­en him to East Africa, where he is cur­rent­ly under­tak­ing research on inclu­sion and exclu­sion in socio-eco­log­i­cal trans­for­ma­tion process­es. Zillinger also con­ducts research in media anthro­pol­o­gy and leads a research project on dig­i­tal publics in Moroc­co, as well as a project on new “Com­mu­ni­ties of Prac­tice” at the Glob­al South Stud­ies Cen­ter Cologne. His many pub­li­ca­tions address issues at the inter­sec­tion of media stud­ies and phi­los­o­phy, and are focused on the prob­lems of reli­gion – often in tran­sit and trans­la­tion – among both (North-)African and Migrant com­mu­ni­ties in Europe.
