Refugee Mental Health and Place

May 13 , 2022 

Con­fer­ence host­ed by the Refugee Men­tal Health and Place net­work in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the ESRC Cen­tre for Soci­ety and Men­tal Health and the Depart­ment of Pop­u­la­tion Health Sci­ences at King’s Col­lege London.

Dear Col­leagues,
we are delight­ed to invite you to our first online „Refugee Men­tal Health and Place” con­fer­ence on 13 May 2022 from 10:00–17:00 (GMT).

This con­fer­ence will bring togeth­er schol­ars, activists, artists, pol­i­cy mak­ers and peo­ple with lived expe­ri­ence to explore and exam­ine what it means to be a refugee in a par­tic­u­lar place and how this can be rel­e­vant to men­tal health. We imag­ine place as a com­plex domain that can include risk fac­tors such as neigh­bour­hood vio­lence, poor hous­ing con­di­tions and social iso­la­tion or pro­tec­tive and resilience fac­tors such as com­mu­ni­ty ties, gain­ful employ­ment and ther­a­peu­tic poten­tial of green and recre­ation­al spaces. We will seek to under­stand how social, mate­r­i­al, cul­tur­al, envi­ron­men­tal, polit­i­cal and insti­tu­tion­al dimen­sions and char­ac­ter­is­tics of places con­sti­tute and affect refugee men­tal health in a post-migra­tion context.

Find out more about the con­fer­ence pro­gramme and reg­is­ter here
A sep­a­rate reg­is­tra­tion link can also be found here
The con­fer­ence is host­ed by the Refugee Men­tal Health and Place net­work in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the ESRC Cen­tre for Soci­ety and Men­tal Health and the Depart­ment of Pop­u­la­tion Health Sci­ences at King’s Col­lege London.
Please cir­cu­late the invi­ta­tion widely!
We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing you at the conference!
With best wish­es on behalf of our network,

Peter Schofield, Han­na Kien­zler, Gun­tars Erman­sons and Zara Asif

Dr. Han­na Kienzler


Asso­ciate Professor/ Read­er of Glob­al Health
Co-Direc­tor, ESRC Cen­tre for Soci­ety and Men­tal Health
Depart­ment of Glob­al Health & Social Med­i­cine
King’s Col­lege London

Bush House (NE) 3.15
40 Ald­wych | Lon­don WC2B 4BG

p: +44 (0)20 7848 7897

t: @HannaKienzler