
Event calendar

In this section we present selected events from the interdisciplinary field of anthropology and medicine.

We appreciate any references to relevant events. Please send an e-mail to

Past events


Mar 27 , 2024

Claudia Lang: Machine Learning to Care. On the use of machine learning in mental health care in India


Forth seminar of the 2023-2024 MAE Seminar Series.

Link to this event

Mar 19 , 2024

Pablo José Alcover Cateura: Gebären in der Frühen Neuzeit Stillhilfsmittel im Königreich Mallorca (1470-1778)


Organized by the Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR), Pisa, Italy

Link to this event

Mar 07 , 2024

Alberto Morales: Science from Below. Multispecies Relations and Global Health Inequalities


School of Advanced Study, Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of London

Link to this event


Sep 13 - Sep 14, 2023

Socialist Governmentality? Healthcare, technologies of the self, and subjectification in European state socialism, 1945-1990


Workshop at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Ethics in Medicine - Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Link to this event

Sep 08 - Sep 09, 2023

AGEM Annual Conference 35 - Krisen, Körper, Kompetenzen. Methoden und Potentiale medizinanthropologischen Forschens

AGEM event

35. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und Medizin (AGEM) in Kooperation mit dem 20. Arbeitstreffen der Kommission Medizinanthropologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft (DGEKW) im Warburg-Haus in Hamburg

Link to this event

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