

An dieser Stelle präsentieren wir ausgewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem interdisziplinären Arbeitsfeld Ethnologie und Medizin.

Wir freuen uns über Veranstaltungshinweise an

09. Okt – 10. Mrz 2023

Läuft. Die Ausstellung zur Menstruation


Ausstel­lung im Muse­um Europäis­ch­er Kul­turen (Berlin)

„Läuft. Die Ausstel­lung zur Menstruation“

06.10.2023 bis 06.10.2024
Muse­um Europäis­ch­er Kul­turen – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Etwa 2 Mil­liar­den Men­schen auf der Welt men­stru­ieren. Über 1,5 Mil­liar­den weit­ere Men­schen hat­ten ihre Peri­ode oder wer­den sie bekom­men. Seit rund 10 Jahren nun wird die Men­stru­a­tion in Europa öffentlich disku­tiert. Das MEK präsen­tiert die Ausstel­lung dazu.

„Läuft“ zeigt eine Geschichte des Prag­ma­tismus und der Utopi­en, des Erfind­ungsre­ich­tums und Aktivis­mus. Dafür ver­sam­melt die Ausstel­lung rund 100 his­torische und brand­neue Men­stru­a­tion­sar­tikel sowie Wer­beanzeigen. Schaubilder, Inter­views und Hands-On-Sta­tio­nen ver­mit­teln den aktuellen Wis­sens­stand. Mit knapp 200 All­t­ags­ge­gen­stän­den, Fotos, Grafiken, Zeitungsar­tikeln und Social-Media-Posts fächert die Ausstel­lung die Diskurse auf, die Men­stru­ierende seit Jahrzehn­ten begleit­en: Es geht um The­men wie Leis­tung, Peri­o­den­ar­mut, Müll, „Nor­mal­ität“, Naturver­bun­den­heit, Stim­mung und einige mehr – und natür­lich um Aktivis­mus! Denn im Zen­trum ste­hen die Stim­men und Erfahrun­gen von Men­stru­ieren­den selb­st. Wir laden dazu ein, ihnen in Inter­views zu lauschen und sich selb­st auszu­tauschen. Fil­mauss­chnitte, Musik und Kunst­werke run­den die Ausstel­lung ab.

Mehr Infos unter


11. Feb – 26. Okt 2024

Ethics seminars for 2024


Offered by the St. André Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter for Ethics and Integri­ty (France)

St. André Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter for Ethics and Integri­ty is pleased to announce the fol­low­ing Ethics sem­i­nars for 2024

Ethics of End-of-Life Care: Con­tri­bu­tions from the Arts and Human­i­ties (Feb­ru­ary 11–17, 2024, in Rome, Italy)

Ethics Edu­ca­tors Work­shop (Sep­tem­ber 16–20, 2024, in Rochefort du Gard, near Avi­gnon, France) 

Bioethics Col­lo­qui­um (Sep­tem­ber 23–26, 2024, in Rochefort du Gard, near Avi­gnon, France)

Health Care Ethics: Catholic Per­spec­tives (Octo­ber 22–26, 2024, in Rochefort du Gard, near Avi­gnon, France)

More info here

If you are inter­est­ed in par­tic­i­pat­ing or have ques­tions about the sem­i­nars, please con­tact Dr. Jos Welie MA, MMeds, JD, PhD, FACD direct­ly: info[at]

Fly­er-StAI­CEI 2024 seminars


16. Okt – 17. Okt 2024

Critical Choices: Triaging Humanitarian Priorities


Hybrid 26th Human­i­tar­i­an Con­gress Berlin

26th Human­i­tar­i­an Con­gress Berlin: „Crit­i­cal Choic­es: Triag­ing Human­i­tar­i­an Priorities”
16–17 Octo­ber, 2024
Ura­nia Berlin
In-per­son and online

We are excit­ed to announce that the Human­i­tar­i­an Con­gress Berlin will be back with two days of in-per­son and hybrid ses­sions, work­shops, and our exhi­bi­tion and exchange area – the Human­i­tar­i­an Forum. Whether you are a cur­rent, for­mer or future human­i­tar­i­an expert, politi­cian, thought leader, media pro­fes­sion­al or researcher inter­est­ed in dri­ving pos­i­tive change through crit­i­cal debate, this event is for you.

This year’s pro­gramme will revolve around nav­i­gat­ing human­i­tar­i­an needs against the back­drop of diverse crises. The rise of author­i­tar­i­an regimes, a glob­al shift towards right-wing pol­i­tics, the cli­mate cri­sis, the sys­tem­at­ic ero­sion of human­i­tar­i­an prin­ci­ples and attacks on human­i­tar­i­ans accom­pa­nied by dras­tic bud­get cuts amongst oth­ers are putting unprece­dent­ed pres­sure on human­i­tar­i­an actors, fur­ther politi­cis­ing them and endan­ger­ing their safety.

The con­gress will explore how, besides grow­ing pri­or­i­ties in a mul­ti­po­lar world, a coher­ent vision for human­i­tar­i­an inter­ven­tion as well as for­ward-think­ing approach­es such as the use of AI in human­i­tar­i­an action, antic­i­pa­to­ry action, and the long-term con­se­quences of crises can be applied to seek solu­tions for equi­table, resilient, and sus­tain­able futures.

For fur­ther updates and details, vis­it our web­site and fol­low us on X @humconberlin (#HCBer­lin). An offi­cial invi­ta­tion includ­ing the online reg­is­tra­tion will fol­low in due course.

We would be delight­ed to wel­come you to the Human­i­tar­i­an Con­gress Berlin 2024.

This event is host­ed by Médecins Sans Fron­tières / Doc­tors with­out Bor­ders, Médecins du Monde / Doc­tors of the World, and the Ger­man Red Cross, in part­ner­ship with Oxfam Germany.


23. Okt 2024

Solidary pharma? Contemporary proposals for pharma reform in the European Union


Online webi­nar

Online Webi­nar: Sol­idary phar­ma? Con­tem­po­rary pro­pos­als for phar­ma reform in the Euro­pean Union
23rd of October
3:00 – 4:30 pm CET

Reg­is­tra­tion: Please reg­is­ter to receive a link to the webi­nar. The link will be sent to you by e‑mail a few days before the webinar.

Details: At this webi­nar, we will dis­cuss and com­pare two cur­rent pol­i­cy pro­pos­als that include calls for more sol­idary prac­tices in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sec­tor: 1) The ‘Pan­dem­ic Treaty’ that is cur­rent­ly nego­ti­at­ed, tabled by the Pres­i­dent of the Euro­pean Coun­cil in autumn 2021 and car­ried for­ward by the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, and 2) the Euro­pean Commission’s pro­pos­al for reg­u­la­to­ry reform that address­es the autho­riza­tion and super­vi­sion of med­i­c­i­nal prod­ucts pub­lished in spring 2023.

These reg­u­la­to­ry mea­sures seem to devel­op through sep­a­rate process­es and are rarely dis­cussed togeth­er. How­ev­er, they share sim­i­lar aims of pro­vid­ing for more equi­table access and the shar­ing of crit­i­cal med­ical resources inter­na­tion­al­ly – albeit by dif­fer­ent pol­i­cy mea­sures. We seek to iden­ti­fy the over­laps and dis­crep­an­cies between the two pol­i­cy pro­pos­als and reflect on what aca­d­e­mics and civ­il soci­ety togeth­er might do to help direct them toward glob­al solidarity.

Three dis­tin­guished speak­ers will pro­vide a short intro­duc­tion to the pol­i­cy reforms and set the scene for discussion:

- Prof. Susi Geiger, Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Dublin
– Sara Rafael Almei­da, Pol­i­cy Offi­cer, Euro­pean Commission
– Jaume Vidal, Senior Pol­i­cy Advi­sor, Health Action International


24. Okt – 25. Okt 2024

Charity and voluntarism in Britain’s mixed economy of healthcare since 1948


Con­fer­ence in London

Two day con­fer­ence on „Char­i­ty and vol­un­tarism in Britain’s mixed econ­o­my of health­care since 1948”
Thu-Fri 24–25 Octo­ber 2024
Cfp Dead­line: May 10th

In 1946, the Min­is­ter of Health for Eng­land and Wales, Aneurin Bevan, con­demned the extent to which a sig­nif­i­cant part of the UK’s hos­pi­tal sys­tem was depen­dent on the ‘caprice of pri­vate char­i­ty’.  How­ev­er, char­i­ty – and vol­un­tarism more gen­er­al­ly – have con­tin­ued to play a sig­nif­i­cant role in the devel­op­ment of health­care with­in the UK’s Nation­al Health Ser­vice. Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, the remark­able impact of NHS Char­i­ties Together’s Urgent COVID-19 Appeal demon­strat­ed the con­tin­u­ing rel­e­vance of char­i­ta­ble mon­ey in the NHS today. 

We invite abstract sub­mis­sions for papers from aca­d­e­m­ic researchers, pol­i­cy-mak­ers and prac­ti­tion­ers which active­ly engage with ques­tions about the role of char­i­ty in health­care sys­tems. Although our own project has focused on devel­op­ments with­in the UK, we also wel­come papers which address these issues from a more inter­na­tion­al per­spec­tive. Papers might address ques­tions includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to): 

– What eth­i­cal issues are gen­er­at­ed by char­i­ta­ble finance in health-care, and how might organ­i­sa­tions respond to the dilem­mas these pose? 
– Who defines the aspects of health­care pro­vi­sion that are ‘essen­tial’, or are ‘nice-to-have’? 
– To what extent has char­i­ty played a par­tic­u­lar role either in pio­neer­ing the devel­op­ment of new ser­vices or direct­ing atten­tion to the needs of so-called ‘Cin­derel­la’ services? 
– How have atti­tudes to fundrais­ing, and fundrais­ing prac­tices in health­care, changed over the years? 
– What role has char­i­ty played in ‘embed­ding’ hos­pi­tals and oth­er health­care facil­i­ties with­in their com­mu­ni­ties, and what role does it con­tin­ue to play? 
– What roles have busi­ness­es and cor­po­ra­tions played in rela­tion to char­i­ta­ble income in the NHS?
– What impact has char­i­ta­ble fund­ing had with­in broad­er pat­terns of health­care expenditure? 
– What can debates about the role of char­i­ty with­in health­care reveal about the atti­tudes of dif­fer­ent polit­i­cal par­ties towards the role of vol­un­tarism more broadly? 

More details and full call for papers avail­able on the project web­site.


11. Nov – 15. Nov 2024

Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology


Hybrid event in the frame­works of the World Anthro­po­log­i­cal Union Con­gress 2024

Inequal­i­ties in (Men­tal) Health­care: Crit­i­cal Per­spec­tives in Med­ical Anthropology
Pan­el at World Antrhopo­log­i­cal Union Con­gress 2024
Con­venors: Sharon Gabie (Nel­son Man­dela Uni­ver­si­ty, Johan­nes­burg­burg, South Africa), Hel­mar Kurz (Uni­ver­si­ty of Muen­ster, Germany)
When: 11th – 15th Novem­ber 2024
Cfp dead­line: 13 May 2024

Pan­el Abstract:
(Men­tal) health­care sys­tems world­wide meet var­i­ous chal­lenges, par­tic­u­lar­ly the insuf­fi­cien­cy of resources for patients of low­er eco­nom­ic class­es and rur­al areas. What is more, in many places ther­a­peu­tic set­tings remain “zones of aban­don­ment” (Biehl 2005), par­tic­u­lar­ly when affil­i­at­ed with offi­cial health­care sec­tors. How­ev­er, some phil­an­thropic, reli­gious-spir­i­tu­al, and pri­vate agen­cies pro­vide “good exam­ples” of (men­tal) health­care (Basu et al. 2017).
Chang­ing gov­ern­ments and con­test­ing poli­cies have impact­ed local, translo­cal, and glob­al (men­tal) health­care sup­plies, main­tain­ing incon­sis­ten­cies in (men­tal) health­care. Fur­ther, the recent COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has clear­ly illus­trat­ed that struc­tur­al vio­lence (Farmer 2005) and chronic­i­ty of cri­sis (Vigh 2008) still shape inequal­i­ties in access to health resources in both the Glob­al North and Glob­al South. New chal­lenges may be requests regard­ing the men­tal health­care pro­vi­sion for Indige­nous and migra­to­ry communities.
In South Africa, a recent case of neg­li­gence and mal­ad­min­is­tra­tion of peo­ple with psy­chi­atric dis­or­ders is that of Life Esidi­meni. The tragedy wit­nessed 144 peo­ple die because of inap­pro­pri­ate care and the lack of equipped infra­struc­ture and staff to cater to the needs of peo­ple in men­tal health care facil­i­ties and many more suf­fer­ing trau­ma (Duro­jaye & Aga­ba 2018, Fer­l­i­to & Dhai 2018). South Africa is no excep­tion for the fact, that coun­tries across the globe neglect men­tal health care as an over­all aspect of health and well­be­ing. The results of a four-coun­try study, which includ­ed South Africa, found that there is a lack of data to con­vince pol­i­cy­mak­ers to pri­or­i­tize men­tal health, a lack of imple­men­ta­tion, and how to mobi­lize peo­ple to seek inter­ven­tion to the prob­lem at an ear­ly stage (Pil­lay 2019). In dis­ad­van­taged com­mu­ni­ties, black com­mu­ni­ties in par­tic­u­lar, the stig­ma against men­tal health issues is com­pound­ed by cul­tur­al and social chal­lenges that pre­vent many peo­ple from seek­ing ear­ly inter­ven­tion (Gumede 2021).
Phil­an­thropic orga­ni­za­tions have always been essen­tial health resources, and not only for mar­gin­al­ized social groups (for the exam­ple of Brazil­ian Spiritism, see Kurz 2024). How­ev­er, they have been wide­ly ignored in pub­lic and aca­d­e­m­ic dis­course, and how polit­i­cal insti­tu­tions con­test, reg­u­late, or inte­grate relat­ed approach­es remains a research desider­a­tum that this pan­el wants to address around the fol­low­ing lead­ing ques­tions, focus­ing on men­tal health prac­tices but inte­grat­ing all health-relat­ed aspects of human well-being:
1) Strate­gies between actors. What are the con­tem­po­rary challenges/opportunities of diverse actors with­in the field of (men­tal) health in their par­tic­u­lar local­i­ties? In which spaces do they inter­vene? Where are they exclud­ed? What trends can be iden­ti­fied, e.g., in the emer­gence of new agen­cies in the field or pow­er dis­tri­b­u­tions among exist­ing actors?
2) Con­tent of action and inter­ven­tion in the field. What is cur­rent­ly at stake? What are per­spec­tives and prac­tices? How do diver­gent actors respond to (men­tal) health challenges?
3) Polit­i­cal reg­u­la­tion. How do state and offi­cial health­care insti­tu­tions relate to con­test­ing and com­ple­ment­ing approach­es? Do forms of coop­er­a­tion exist? Do obsta­cles exist? What are polit­i­cal strate­gies at the inter­sec­tion of polit­i­cal, eco­nom­ic, and social interests?

To sub­mit a paper/abstract, please fol­low these guide­lines:

The con­venors are avail­able for any doubt or ques­tion in advance and through­out the CfP process:
Sharon Gabie (Nel­son Man­dela Uni­ver­si­ty, Johan­nes­burg­burg, South Africa)
Hel­mar Kurz (Uni­ver­si­ty of Muen­ster, Ger­many)


15. Nov – 16. Nov 2024

AGEM-Jahrestagung 36 | (A)symmetrische Beziehungen. Facetten der Kooperation im psychiatrischen Krankenhausalltag


36. Jahresta­gung der Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft Eth­nolo­gie und Medi­zin (AGEM) in Koop­er­a­tion mit dem Alex­ius/Josef-Kranken­haus in Neuss und der Ver­bund­forschungsplat­tform Worlds of Con­tra­dic­tion der Uni­ver­sität Bre­men im Alex­ius/Josef-Kranken­haus in Neuss

Der All­t­ag in ein­er Psy­chi­a­trie wird von unter­schiedlich­sten Akteur*innen bes­timmt. Neben den Patient*innen gibt es unter anderem den ärztlichen und den pflegerischen Dienst, Psycholog*innen, Mitar­bei­t­ende der ther­a­peutis­chen Dien­ste wie Sport‑, Ergo- und Musik­ther­a­pie, klin­is­che Sozialarbeiter*innen und Genesungsbegleiter*innen wie Seelsorger*innen oder Klininkclowns sowie Mitarbeiter*innen in der Ver­wal­tung, Raumpflege und Küche, die miteinan­der auf unter­schiedlichen Ebe­nen kooperieren. Einge­bet­tet sind diese Beziehun­gen in ökonomis­che, infra­struk­turelle und gesellschaftliche Rah­menbe­din­gun­gen. Zudem bee­in­flussen die sozialen und kul­turellen Hin­ter­gründe von Patient*innen und Mitar­bei­t­en­den die jew­eili­gen Beziehun­gen genau­so wie die Wahl der Behand­lungs­form, ins­beson­dere die der Medika­tion. Dabei zeich­nen sich die Beziehun­gen der beteiligten Akteur*innen durch unter­schiedlichen Asym­me­trien in den Bere­ichen des Wis­sens, des Han­delns, der Macht und des Nutzens aus.

Eine lange Tra­di­tion beste­ht in dem Ver­such, die Koop­er­a­tio­nen und beson­ders die zwis­chen Patient*innen und Mitar­bei­t­en­den ein­er psy­chi­a­trischen Insti­tu­tion zu sym­metrisieren. Den­noch ste­hen sym­metrische und asym­metrische Beziehun­gen in einem Span­nungsver­hält­nis, kommt doch der All­t­ag in der Psy­chi­a­trie zumeist nicht ohne asym­metrische Beziehun­gen und pater­nal­is­tis­che Entschei­dun­gen aus. Trotz ver­schieden­ster Bemühun­gen, stan­dar­d­isierte Ver­fahren der Koop­er­a­tion zu entwick­eln, bleibt der Klinikall­t­ag unberechen­bar und voller Wider­sprüche und stellt alle Akteur*innen täglich vor neue Her­aus­forderun­gen, das Zusam­men­spiel aller men­schlichen wie nicht-men­schlichen Akteur*innen (Architek­tur, SGB V, Medika­mente usw.) auszuhan­deln.

Auf dieser Tagung möcht­en wir ver­schiedene Ebe­nen der Koop­er­a­tio­nen dieser unter­schiedlichen Akteur*innen und ihre Auswirkun­gen auf den psy­chi­a­trischen All­t­ag in den Blick nehmen. Dazu gehören: 

1) Koop­er­a­tio­nen zwis­chen Wis­senschaften und Kranken­haus­prax­is: Wie wer­den Forschungsergeb­nisse in der Medi­zin und der Pflegeprax­is umge­set­zt und wie wird die Kranken­haus­prax­is in der Forschung berücksichtigt?

2) Koop­er­a­tio­nen zwis­chen den Diszi­plinen: Wie kooperieren unter­schiedliche Diszi­plinen mit ihren unter­schiedlichen Ansätzen miteinan­der und welche Syn­ergien und Wider­sprüche entste­hen dadurch?

3) Koop­er­a­tio­nen zwis­chen Patient*innen und ärztlichem, pflegerischem und weit­erem Per­son­al: Wie wird das Ver­hält­nis zwis­chen Reg­ulierung und Empow­er­ment der Patient*innen im All­t­ag aus­ge­han­delt und welche Möglichkeit­en und Gren­zen ergeben sich bei dem Ver­such ein­er Sym­metrisierung des Ver­hält­niss­es von Patient*innen und ärztlichem und pflegerischem Personal?



Fre­itag 15. Novem­ber 2024

13:30 – 13:40 Uhr
Mar­tin Köhne (ärztlich­er Direk­tor und Geschäfts­führer Alex­ius-/ Josef Kranken­haus Neuss): Eröffnung

13:40 – 13:45 Uhr
Andrea Kuck­ert & Ehler Voss: Organisatorisches

13:45 – 14:15 Uhr
Ehler Voss (Uni­ver­sität Bre­men, Worlds of Con­tra­dic­tion – WOC): Die (Un)möglichkeiten (a)symmetrischer Beziehun­gen. Eine Ein­führung in das Tagungsthema

14:15 – 14.45 Uhr
Dr. Ralf-Gero C. Dirk­sen (Wis­senschaft­sjour­nal­ist, MBA Health­care Man­age­ment, Pro­mo­tion in Organ­i­sa­tion­sen­twick­lung): Par­tizipa­tive Beziehungs­gestal­tung in der deutschen Psy­chi­a­trie. Her­aus­forderun­gen und organ­i­sa­tionale Lösungsansätze

14:45 – 15:15 Uhr
Ani­ta Ham (Medi­zineth­nolo­gin, Haagse Hogeschool Den Haag / Nieder­lande): Der Ein­fluss von Kul­tur auf (a)symmetrische Beziehun­gen – dargestellt am Beispiel von mul­ti­kul­turellen pflegerischen Teams

15:30 – 15:45 Uhr

15:45 – 16:30 Uhr
Hei­drun Lundie (Pflege­di­en­stleitung Alex­ius-/ Josef Kranken­haus Neuss): Expe­ri­enced Involve­ment. Dem Gene­sungs­be­gleit­er auf der Spur für mehr Sym­me­trie in der Beziehung?

16:30 – 17:15 Uhr
Ulrike Höh­mann (Pflegewis­senschaft­lerin, Uni­ver­sität Wit­ten Herdecke): Struk­turi­erte Diskus­sion um das nicht-Vorhan­den­sein kön­nen sym­metrisch­er Beziehun­gen in der Psychiatrie

17:15 – 17:30 Uhr

17:30 – 18:00 Uhr
Paul Weißen (Lei­t­en­der Ober­arzt Akut­sta­tion; Alex­ius-/ Josef Kranken­haus Neuss) Frei­heit­sentziehende Maß­nah­men. Hard facts in der (a)symmetrischen Beziehung im psy­chi­a­trischen Setting

18:00 – 18:45 Uhr
Thomas Plötz & Andreas Hethke (Pflege­fach­per­so­n­en Alex­ius-/ Josef Kranken­haus Neuss): Frei­heit­sentziehen­den Maß­nah­men und Deeskala­tion. Beispiele aus der Prax­is mit dem Blick auf die Symmetrie


Sam­stag 16. Novem­ber 2024

9:00 – 9:30 Uhr
Björn Vüst (Psy­chol­o­gis­ch­er Psy­chother­a­peut, Pro­mo­tion­sstu­dent): Umgang mit suizidalen Krisen im psy­chi­a­trischen Alltag

9:30 – 10:00 Uhr
Tina Wal­ter (Wiss. Mitar­bei­t­erin Fach­bere­ich Poli­tik und Sozial­wis­senschaften Berlin, Pro­mo­tion­sstu­dentin): Solange Du an diesem Tisch sitzt. (A)symmetrische Beziehun­gen in Ess­grup­pen und deren Auswirkun­gen auf die Behand­lungsziele und den ‑erfolg von Patient:innen mit diag­nos­tizierten Essstörun­gen bzw. auf­fäl­li­gen Essverhalten

10:00 – 10:45 Uhr
Andrea Kuck­ert & Team Sta­tion Jakobus (Pflege­fach­per­so­n­en, ärztlich­er Dienst, Bere­ich­sleitung, Sta­tion­sleitung Alex­ius-/ Josef Kranken­haus Neuss): Ethis­che Fallbe­sprechung zum The­ma „geschützter“ oder „offen­er“ Bere­ich. Schaf­fen wir eine sym­metrische Beziehung mit den Patient:innen durch eine Teilöffnung?

10:45 – 11:15 Uhr

11:15 – 12:00 Uhr
Mar­ti­jn in het Veld (Architekt, EGM Architek­ten Nijmegen / Nieder­lande): Architek­tonis­che Gestal­tung in der Psy­chi­a­trie. Eine mul­ti­diszi­plinäre koop­er­a­tive Annäherung

12:00 – 12:45 Uhr
Adri­ane Di Tavi­Canavar­ro (Pflege­fach­per­son, B.Sc., Alex­ius-/ Josef Kranken­haus Neuss): Sote­ria auf ein­er psy­chi­a­trischen Akut­sta­tion Eine wohnge­mein­schaft­sähn­liche Ein­rich­tung unter­stützt den Beziehungsauf­bau und Koop­er­a­tion mit den Patient:innen

12:45 – 13:00 Uhr
Andrea Kuck­ert & Ehler Voss: Summing-up

13:30 – 14:00 Uhr
Mit­tag (Lunch­pakete)

14:00 – 14:30 Uhr
Führung durch das psy­chi­a­trische Krankenhaus

14:30 – 15:30 Uhr
Hybride Mit­gliederver­samm­lung der Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft Eth­nolo­gie und Medi­zin (AGEM)


Anmel­dun­gen bitte bis zum 8. Novem­ber 2024 an:

Wenn Sie Fre­itagsmit­tag vor der Kon­ferenz in der Cafe­te­ria auf eigene Kosten essen möcht­en, geben Sie dies bitte bei der Anmel­dung an.

Exter­nen Gästen empfehlen wir als Unterkun­ft das nahegele­ge­nen Dorint-Hotel:

Am Fre­itagabend beste­ht die Möglichkeit eines gemein­samen Aben­dessens bei den Veranstalter:innen der Kon­ferenz. Im Nach­gang kön­nen in pri­vater Atmo­sphäre The­men vom Nach­mit­tag weit­er ver­tieft und Diskus­sio­nen fort­ge­set­zt wer­den. Bitte geben Sie bei Ihrer Anmel­dung an, ob Sie daran teil­nehmen möcht­en (ein Sparschwein freut sich über eine Spende für Essen und Getränke).

Konzept und Organisation:
Andrea Kuck­ert (AGEM, Alex­ius/Josef-Kranken­haus Neuss)
Ehler Voss (AGEM, Worlds of Con­tra­dic­tion Uni­ver­sität Bremen)


06. Dez – 07. Dez 2024

4th Southeast Asian Indigenous Psychology Conference


Hybrid Con­fer­ence on Indige­nous Psychologies

4th South­east Asian Indige­nous Psy­chol­o­gy Con­fer­ence (SEAIP-2024)
Decem­ber 6th & 7th, 2024
8am-5pm (UTC +8)
For­mat: Vir­tu­al­ly via Zoom (details to be updat­ed) & in-per­son at the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Philip­pines Baguio.

SEAIP 2024 Fly­er (1)

The SEAIP-2024 con­fer­ence is being co-host­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of the Philip­pines Baguio, Pam­bansang Sama­han ng Sikolo­hiyang Pilipino (PSSP), the South­east Asian Indige­nous Psy­chol­o­gy (SEAIP) net­work, and Monash Malaysia Cul­ture and Health Lab. We are also grate­ful for the fund­ing grant­ed by Asian Asso­ci­a­tion of Social Psy­chol­o­gy for this initiative.
This event is a con­tin­u­a­tion of our efforts to empow­er young schol­ars in the South­east Asian region who are inter­est­ed in the devel­op­ment of indige­nous psy­cholo­gies by build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty in which col­lab­o­ra­tive efforts and mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary research on cul­tur­al­ly rel­e­vant issues may be fos­tered and sup­port­ed. As such, this sci­en­tif­ic meet­ing includes plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for dia­logue, net­work­ing and col­lab­o­ra­tion, including: 

(1) an open-ses­sion with keynote speak­er, Pro­fes­sor Grace H. Aguil­ing Dal­isay, and two ple­nary speak­ers, Pro­fes­sor Jose Anto­nio R. Clemente and Pro­fes­sor Carl Mar­tin Allwood; 

(2) half-day closed clus­ter meet­ings for a max­i­mum of 50 reg­is­trants, where par­tic­i­pants from these clus­ter ses­sions will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to apply for a SEAIP research seed grant (there are two research seed grants avail­able with 2500 USD per grant); and 

(3) two research paper pre­sen­ta­tion ses­sions from suc­cess­ful reg­is­trants for the abstract sub­mis­sion in which the 10 best stu­dent pre­sen­ters would be award­ed two-year AASP memberships. 

Please refer to the SEAIP-2024 web­site and fly­ers attached for more details.
Reg­is­tra­tion is FREE and only open till 30th Sep­tem­ber 2024 for Abstracts Sub­mis­sion. How­ev­er, you may still reg­is­ter as an attendee on Keynote and Ple­nary Ses­sion and/or Clus­ter Discussion/Networking until 1st Novem­ber 2024. Please reg­is­ter through this reg­is­tra­tion link and select your type of participation.


12. Dez – 13. Dez 2024

“Testing under crisis / Testing the crises”


In Per­son Work­shop at Nation­al and Kapodis­tri­an Uni­ver­si­ty of Athens

Work­shop on “Test­ing under cri­sis / Test­ing the crises”
Nation­al and Kapodis­tri­an Uni­ver­si­ty of Athens
12–13 Dec 2024

A pub­lic health cri­sis, espe­cial­ly an epi­dem­ic, and the responses
for­mu­lat­ed to address it are inter­wo­ven with a wide range of medical,
social and polit­i­cal inter­ven­tions. The aim of the CrisisTesting
Inter­na­tion­al Work­shop is to bring togeth­er nov­el per­spec­tives with
regards to the study of pub­lic health crises by attend­ing to the role
of the devel­op­ment and use of diag­nos­tic tests, to the emer­gence of a
mul­ti­tude of test­ing prac­tices and to the mate­ri­al­i­ties associated
with test­ing infrastructure.

By bring­ing into dia­logue inter­dis­ci­pli­nary per­spec­tives from the
his­to­ry of sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy and med­i­cine, the social sci­ences, the
medical/health human­i­ties, Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy Stud­ies, Media
Stud­ies and oth­er rel­e­vant fields, we would like to explore the
sig­nif­i­cance and cru­cial role of test­ing for med­ical prac­tice and
pub­lic health pol­i­cy-mak­ing. The work­shop has a dou­ble focus. On the
one hand, it explores the social appro­pri­a­tions of test­ing in diverse
set­tings and pub­lic health crises.[1] On the oth­er hand, it
inves­ti­gates pos­si­ble rad­i­cal changes in the his­to­ry and the sociology
of test­ing prac­tices, be it either about test­ing that “occurs inside
the social envi­ron­ment” or about test­ing that “involves the very
mod­i­fi­ca­tion of social environments”.[2]

We invite con­tri­bu­tions that address, but are not lim­it­ed to, the
fol­low­ing research questions:

● How test­ing is being used by governments/public health
author­i­ties to inform pub­lic health inter­ven­tions and to mea­sure their

● How can we bet­ter under­stand the sociotech­ni­cal trade­offs of
test­ing dur­ing a crisis?

● How does the design of the test­ing infra­struc­ture favor
cer­tain pub­lic health poli­cies in rela­tion to the allo­ca­tion of
avail­able resources? Does the con­fig­u­ra­tion of test­ing, afford­ed by
tech­no­log­i­cal infra­struc­ture, respond to the dynam­ics of health

● How do cas­es of con­test­ed test­ing prac­tices affect public
health pol­i­cy and the appro­pri­a­tions of test­ing in society?

● What hap­pens in cas­es of dis­rup­tion to the sup­ply of
con­sum­ables that affect test­ing capac­i­ty? How does the avail­abil­i­ty or
lack of test­ing resources and asso­ci­at­ed infra­struc­ture impact
clin­i­cal prac­tice and pol­i­cy-mak­ing dur­ing a crisis?

● In which ways test­ing (and screen­ing) shapes subjectivities
and col­lec­tive iden­ti­ties? How are the notions of health and illness
being (re)shaped by testing?

● How dif­fer­ent uses of test­ing and dif­fer­ent tests are being
pro­mot­ed, judged or chal­lenged by pub­lic health author­i­ties and the
media in the con­text of sci­ence communication?

● In which ways the social pref­er­ences are reflect­ed in the
bal­anc­ing between the lev­el of test­ing speci­fici­ty and sensitivity?

This is the first of two work­shops to be orga­nized in the con­text of
the research project “Test­ing under cri­sis, a his­to­ry from HIV/AIDS to
Covid-19: between pub­lic debates and health poli­cies – CrisisTesting”
(2024–25). The aim of these work­shops is to pro­vide a space for
dis­cus­sion and mean­ing­ful exchanges on the afore­men­tioned top­ics. Our
plan is to pub­lish an edit­ed vol­ume with con­tri­bu­tions addressing
diverse aspects of med­ical test­ing in the con­text of pub­lic health
crises. The sec­ond Work­shop will take place in autumn 2025.

Those inter­est­ed in pre­sent­ing their work, please send your abstract
(approx. 250 words) and a brief bio­graph­i­cal note (approx. 150 words)
to by the 10th of Sep­tem­ber 2024. The two-day
work­shop will take place in the premis­es of the Nation­al and
Kapodis­tri­an Uni­ver­si­ty of Athens and it is an in-per­son event.
Par­tic­i­pa­tion is cost-free; the refresh­ments and meals are cov­ered by
the orga­niz­ers. In excep­tion­al cas­es, we will try to accommodate
hybrid solu­tions (vir­tu­al participation).

The work­shop is orga­nized by the research team mem­bers of the
Cri­sis­Test­ing project: Kate­ri­na Vlan­toni (Prin­ci­pal Investigator),
assis­tant pro­fes­sor in the Depart­ment of Phi­los­o­phy and His­to­ry of
Sci­ence, NKUA; Athana­sios Bar­la­gian­nis, researcher in the Mod­ern Greek
His­to­ry Research Cen­tre, Acad­e­my of Athens; Eiri­ni Mergoupi-Savaidou,
post­doc­tor­al researcher; Mar­ile­na Pat­er­a­ki, post­doc­tor­al researcher;
and, Kostas Rap­tis, post­doc­tor­al researcher.

[1] Beaudevin, C., Berlivet, L., Boudia, S., Bour­gain, C., Cassier,
M., Gaudil­lière, J‑P., & Löwy, I. (2021). ‘Test, Test, Test!’:
Scarci­ty, Tin­ker­ing, and Test­ing Pol­i­cy Ear­ly in the COVID-19 Epidemic
in France. Med­i­cine Anthro­pol­o­gy The­o­ry, 8(2), 1–31.

[2] Mar­res, N., & Stark, D. (2020). Put to the test: For a new
soci­ol­o­gy of test­ing. The British jour­nal of soci­ol­o­gy, 71(3),



13. Dez – 15. Dez 2024

The Biopolitics of Global Health after COVID-19


PhD stu­dents only cross-dis­ci­pli­nary in-per­son work­shop in New Delhi 

CfP „The Biopol­i­tics of Glob­al Health after COVID-19”
Decem­ber 13, 14, and 15, 2024
Abstract sub­mis­sion dead­line: August 31, 2024

PhD stu­dents world­wide from across the social sci­ences and human­i­ties are wel­come to sub­mit abstracts relat­ed to (re-)emergent modes of gov­er­nance and the gov­er­nance of health and ill­ness dur­ing and after the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. Dur­ing the work­shop, we will reflect on recon­fig­u­ra­tions of the notion of „glob­al” health and the reshap­ing of care infrastructures.

Stu­dents may respond to either of the fol­low­ing top­ics, regard­less of their aca­d­e­m­ic train­ing or discipline:

Local real­i­ties of the (post-)pandemic land­scape: This pan­el has an ethno­graph­ic focus, zoom­ing in on sit­u­at­ed con­fig­u­ra­tions of health, ill­ness, and gov­er­nance dur­ing and after COVID-19.

The (post-)pandemic biopol­i­tics of glob­al health: This pan­el has a biopo­lit­i­cal focus, invit­ing con­cep­tu­al reflec­tions on social care, pow­er, ter­ri­to­ri­al­iza­tions, pop­u­la­tions, and cit­i­zen­ship; explor­ing the bioso­cial forms of life emerg­ing dur­ing and after the pandemic.

Please see the attached CfP for fur­ther details.

Sub­mis­sion Details:

Sub­mit your abstracts to:;;

Work­shop Schedule:

Decem­ber 13: Pub­lic event and keynote in cen­tral Del­hi; din­ner will be provided.
Decem­ber 14–15: Round­ta­bles and stu­dent pre­sen­ta­tions; accom­mo­da­tion and hos­pi­tal­i­ty on cam­pus (Shiv Nadar Uni­ver­si­ty) will be provided.

We are able to offer lim­it­ed trav­el sup­port for stu­dents trav­el­ing from out­side of India and with­in India. Please note that this sup­port may not ful­ly cov­er roundtrip expens­es for inter­na­tion­al students.


13. Dez – 15. Dez 2024

The Biopolitics of Global Health after COVID-19


New Del­hi-based workshop

“The Biopol­i­tics of Glob­al Health after COVID-19”
Decem­ber 13,14, and 15th, 2024
New Delhi

Shiv Nadar and Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty are excit­ed to invite doc­tor­al stu­dents to par­tic­i­pate in our upcom­ing work­shop in New Del­hi, India, explor­ing “The Biopol­i­tics of Glob­al Health after COVID-19”.


Call for Papers: “The Biopol­i­tics of Glob­al Health after COVID-19”

 Doc­tor­al stu­dents from around the globe are wel­come to sub­mit a 500-word abstract respond­ing to one of two themes, as explained below, before the dead­line of the 31st of August 2024.

 The Work­shop

 The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic threw tak­en-for-grant­ed notions into (tem­po­rary) dis­ar­ray; reter­ri­to­ri­al­iz­ing imag­i­na­tions of “glob­al” health, sharp­en­ing neo­colo­nial rela­tions and divides, trans­form­ing hemi­spher­ic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties and recon­fig­ur­ing the gov­er­nance of ill­ness and health. At the same time, one year after the WHO stopped con­sid­er­ing COVID-19 a glob­al health emer­gency, the longer-term effects of the event of the pan­dem­ic have not yet ful­ly been account­ed for.

Our New Del­hi-based work­shop, tak­ing place in-per­son on Decem­ber 13,14, and 15th, 2024, will be a cross-cul­tur­al and trans­dis­ci­pli­nary lab­o­ra­to­ry of think­ing about where the pan­dem­ic has left us and what could be future vec­tors of con­cern. A dou­ble foun­da­tion grounds the over­all project – biopo­lit­i­cal approach­es and locat­ed anthro­po­log­i­cal work. Few con­cepts gained as much trac­tion in reflect­ing on the pan­dem­ic as “biopol­i­tics”, as the rela­tions between “life” and “pol­i­tics” were rapid­ly recon­fig­ured in the wake of emer­gency mea­sures the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic insti­gat­ed. At the same time, “biopol­i­tics” soon became a con­tentious con­cept, divid­ing schol­ars in var­i­ous ways across the polit­i­cal spec­trum in the (post-)pandemic glob­al health are­na. The chal­lenges were many, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to under­stand­ing immu­ni­ties anew and rethink­ing gov­er­nance under crises. Anthro­po­log­i­cal efforts across the world revised con­cepts such as care, social infra­struc­tures, and community.

Through a biopo­lit­i­cal frame­work in con­ver­sa­tion with anthro­po­log­i­cal and soci­o­log­i­cal per­spec­tives, this work­shop will enable a much-need­ed con­ver­sa­tion between philo­soph­i­cal inter­ven­tions and empir­i­cal research. Rather than smooth­ing over the fault lines that appeared in biopo­lit­i­cal think­ing and among anthro­po­log­i­cal delib­er­a­tions in par­tic­u­lar geo­gra­phies and ecolo­gies dur­ing and post-COVID-19, we want to take these rup­tures as a fer­tile start­ing point for a renewed, col­lab­o­ra­tive con­ver­sa­tion, inves­ti­gat­ing poten­tial­ly changed per­cep­tions of ill­ness, health, sci­ence, soci­ety and ethics.

The work­shop intends to assem­ble schol­ars from across the human­i­ties and social sci­ences to rethink the notion of biopol­i­tics from the ruins of glob­al health in the post-pan­dem­ic era. Engag­ing researchers from around the globe, we intend to inves­ti­gate how the pan­dem­ic has recast under­stand­ing of the gov­er­nance of health and pop­u­la­tions in the glob­al south and north.

Par­tic­i­pat­ing stu­dents are invit­ed to engage in dis­cus­sions with peers work­ing on post-pan­dem­ic biopol­i­tics and glob­al health, as well as with the work­shops’ round­table pan­el mem­bers, who will pro­vide reflec­tions and ques­tions on their work – offer­ing stu­dents an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with lead­ing inter­na­tion­al schol­ars on biopol­i­tics and glob­al health.

 The Work­shops Themes

 We invite respons­es focus­ing on two themes, enabling a com­par­a­tive analy­sis of pan­dem­ic real­i­ties to emerge.

Theme 1: “Local real­i­ties of the (post-)pandemic landscape”

On the first day of the work­shop, we will zoom in on sit­u­at­ed con­fig­u­ra­tions of health, ill­ness and gov­er­nance. We are par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in con­tri­bu­tions that engage with the pandemic’s impact on care infra­struc­tures and insti­tu­tions, as well as social respon­sive­ness. Con­tri­bu­tions to this theme may be ethno­graph­ic or focus on con­text-spe­cif­ic nar­ra­tives, events, spaces or expe­ri­ences. The aim here is to pro­vide snap­shots of (post-)pandemic life.

Sub­mis­sions to this theme may engage with one or sev­er­al of the fol­low­ing questions:

  1. How has the pan­dem­ic recon­fig­ured rela­tions of care and gov­er­nance between doc­tors and patients, insti­tu­tions and sub­jects; and among neigh­bors and citizens?
  2. How can we under­stand, crit­i­cize and/or work with nov­el modes of sur­veil­lance, forms of cit­i­zen­ship, and pop­u­la­tion groups emerg­ing through the event of the pandemic?
  3. How can we reflect on the spe­cif­ic tem­po­ral­i­ties brought about by the pan­dem­ic and after, includ­ing the blur­ring of the notions of cri­sis and chronic­i­ty; aging, the end of life, death and dying; and the expe­ri­ence of the everyday?

Theme 2: “The (post-)pandemic biopol­i­tics of glob­al health”

On the sec­ond day of the work­shop, we will reflect on the biopol­i­tics of post-pan­dem­ic glob­al health with a focus on the con­cep­tu­al or the­o­ret­i­cal plane. Here, we are keen to receive con­tri­bu­tions tak­ing a dis­tinct­ly philo­soph­i­cal and ana­lyt­i­cal approach, pro­vid­ing con­cep­tu­al reflec­tions on top­ics such as the social, care, pow­er, ter­ri­to­ri­al­iza­tions, pop­u­la­tions, and cit­i­zen­ship. These reflec­tions will fur­ther a com­par­a­tive dis­cus­sion, explor­ing the bioso­cial forms of life emerg­ing dur­ing and after the pandemic.

Sub­mis­sions for this sec­ond theme may respond to the fol­low­ing ques­tions or relat­ed themes:

  1. „What does ‚glob­al’ mean, specif­i­cal­ly in the con­text of ‚glob­al health,’ when con­sid­er­ing the dif­fer­ent impacts at both ter­ri­to­r­i­al and local lev­els dur­ing and after the pandemic?
  2. How, if at all, has the pan­dem­ic recon­fig­ured the domain of the social and the bound­aries of pop­u­la­tion groups; in oth­er words, trans­formed the object of biopolitics?
  3. What nov­el or renewed dimen­sions of liv­ing and dying, and affil­i­at­ed forms of social and gov­er­nance infra­struc­tures, have emerged dur­ing and after the pandemic?

Sub­mis­sion guidelines:

Inter­est­ed stu­dents are invit­ed to sub­mit an abstract (max. 500 words) before the 31st of August 2024.

Sub­mis­sions must clear­ly indi­cate which theme they are respond­ing to. Stu­dents from dif­fer­ent back­grounds are encour­aged to respond to any of the two themes regard­less of their dis­ci­pli­nary training.

We will let par­tic­i­pants know about our deci­sion by the 20th of Sep­tem­ber 2024. 

Queries about the work­shop or the sub­mis­sion process may be sent to:

Sub­mis­sion may be sent to:;;


Eli­gi­bil­i­ty and audience

Doc­tor­al stu­dents from across the globe work­ing in the social sci­ences and human­i­ties on relat­ed top­ics are wel­come to sub­mit abstracts. The work­shop audi­ence will con­sist of inter­na­tion­al schol­ars and non-aca­d­e­mics who work in fields relat­ed to the biopol­i­tics of glob­al health post-COVID-19.

The first day (13th of Dec) will be a pub­lic event at a cen­tral venue in Del­hi, din­ner is includ­ed in that event. Accom­mo­da­tion and hos­pi­tal­i­ty on cam­pus dur­ing the final two days (14–15th of Dec) of the work­shop will be provided.

We are able to offer lim­it­ed trav­el sup­port for stu­dents trav­el­ing from out­side of India as well as with­in India. Please indi­cate in your sub­mis­sion whether you would like to be con­sid­ered for this support.

The full stu­dent’ papers will be uploaded to the wider project’s dig­i­tal repos­i­to­ry (Cor­nell eCom­mons) after the workshop.




09. Jan – 10. Jan 2025

Food System Temporalities


Two-Day-Con­fer­ence at Uni­ver­si­ty of Cambridge

Work­shop „Food Sys­tem Temporalities”
Jan­u­ary 9th and 10th, 2025
Uni­ver­si­ty of Cambridge
Ali­son Richard Build­ing, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge, Cam­bridge, UK
Organ­is­ers: Eliz­a­beth Fox (Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge) & Thomas White (King’s Col­lege London)
Keynote Speak­er: Prof Heather Pax­son (MIT)

This two-day con­fer­ence seeks to exam­ine the tem­po­ral­i­ty of food pro­duc­tion, cir­cu­la­tion, and con­sump­tion. By high­light­ing how time and its reck­on­ing shape and are shaped by the pur­suit of the edi­ble, our aim is to move beyond sim­plis­tic dichotomies between cap­i­tal­ist accel­er­a­tion and slow food sus­tain­abil­i­ty to elu­ci­date food’s dis­junc­tive rhythms and the work that goes into man­ag­ing them.

Stud­ies of food and food sys­tems have tend­ed to pri­ori­tise space, or place, over time. How­ev­er, the pro­duc­tion, cir­cu­la­tion, and con­sump­tion of food are also inher­ent­ly time-bound process­es that involve numer­ous tem­po­ral regimes, the man­age­ment of which require dis­tinct forms of work. Pro­duc­ing edi­ble things requires nav­i­gat­ing sea­sons, growth cycles, mar­ket fluc­tu­a­tions, and food’s inher­ent per­isha­bil­i­ty. We ask, for exam­ple, how does a tem­po­ral lens on grow­ing, pick­ing, slaugh­ter­ing, stor­ing, or fer­ment­ing lead us to recon­cep­tu­alise the labour of mak­ing or metabolis­ing the edi­ble? How might ques­tions of food sov­er­eign­ty and food jus­tice be approached dif­fer­ent­ly with ref­er­ence to time, rather than loca­tion? How are changes to sea­son­al rhythms caused by cli­mate change affect­ing the ways food pro­duc­ers antic­i­pate the future? Are new ‘time-less’ food labelling regimes chang­ing atti­tudes to per­isha­bil­i­ty and waste? What about the bod­ies of ani­mals, pushed to mature at ever faster rates in the inter­ests of prof­it or sus­tain­abil­i­ty? We wel­come empir­i­cal and the­o­ret­i­cal inter­ro­ga­tions of these and relat­ed questions.

Please sub­mit abstracts of approx­i­mate­ly 300 words to Eliz­a­beth Fox ( by August 31st 2024.



20. Feb – 21. Feb 2025

Composing Coexistence: Challenges in Research on More-than-Human Health


In per­son work­shop at Bern­hard Nocht Insti­tute for Trop­i­cal Med­i­cine in Hamburg

Doc­tor­al work­shop „Com­pos­ing Coex­is­tence: Chal­lenges in Research on More-than-Human Health”
20–21 Feb 2025
Bern­hard Nocht Insti­tute for Trop­i­cal Med­i­cine in Hamburg
Orga­nized by the research group Med­ical Anthro­pol­o­gy at the BNITM

Envi­ron­men­tal dis­as­ters and the (re-)emergence of infec­tious dis­eases require human health to be con­sid­ered in rela­tion to the health of ani­mals and the envi­ron­ment. A grow­ing num­ber of social sci­en­tists inves­ti­gate mul­ti­species con­tact zones and how these are bound up with anthro­pogenic process­es, such as cli­mate change, land use, resource exploita­tion, pol­lu­tion and tox­i­c­i­ty. Their stud­ies have had an enor­mous impact on the devel­op­ment of bioso­cial approach­es to mul­ti­species relations.

Anthro­po­log­i­cal ambi­tions to com­pose coex­is­tence in a sen­si­tive way are high­er than ever. How­ev­er, mul­ti­species researchers face sev­er­al chal­lenges and bar­ri­ers, for exam­ple with regard to inter- or trans­dis­ci­pli­nary work. While empha­siz­ing the inter­con­nect­ed­ness of humans, ani­mals and the envi­ron­ment, con­cepts like ‘One Health’ or ‘Plan­e­tary Health’ ulti­mate­ly revolve around ques­tions of human health and well-being. As a result, anthro­pocen­tric and human excep­tion­al­ist approach­es are often pro­mot­ed, neglect­ing the per­spec­tives and needs of non-human beings. How can social sci­en­tists debunk such approach­es? How can we ensure that we do not repro­duce these per­spec­tives? How can we address issues of trans­la­tion, advo­ca­cy and agency con­cern­ing non-human beings?

With this work­shop, we seek to address doc­tor­al researchers from the social sci­ences and human­i­ties with a keen inter­est in the study of more-than-human health. Over two days, we will present and dis­cuss our research projects, and engage in cre­ative exer­cis­es con­sid­er­ing cur­rent debates on mul­ti­species method­olo­gies and relat­ed obsta­cles. Fur­ther­more, we are delight­ed that Gior­gio Broc­co (Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na) will give a talk on chem­i­cal­i­ty and tox­i­c­i­ty in the plan­ta­tion world of the French Caribbean.

We warm­ly wel­come appli­ca­tions from doc­tor­al stu­dents who are at an ear­ly stage of their research or in the post-field­work phase. As ear­ly-career researchers, our aim is to cre­ate a sup­port­ive envi­ron­ment where we can strength­en our research top­ics and con­nect with researchers who share an inter­est in explor­ing the entan­gle­ments between human, ani­mal and envi­ron­men­tal health.

The work­shop will be held in Eng­lish. If you would like to par­tic­i­pate, please send a descrip­tion of your research project (max. 750 words) and your aca­d­e­m­ic CV to vivien.barth(at) or to erik.zillmann(at) by 30 Sep­tem­ber 2024.

2025_BNITM_Workshop_Composing Coexistence_Flyer‑1


27. Mrz – 29. Mrz 2025

10th Integrated History and Philosophy of Science conference


Con­fer­ence at Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Technology

10th Inte­grat­ed His­to­ry and Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence conference
27–29 March 2025
Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy, Pasade­na, California

The Com­mit­tee for Inte­grat­ed His­to­ry and Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence invites the sub­mis­sion of abstracts for indi­vid­ual papers and “light­ning talks” for &HPS10, the 10th con­fer­ence in the series Inte­grat­ed His­to­ry and Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence. We seek con­tri­bu­tions that gen­uine­ly inte­grate his­tor­i­cal and philo­soph­i­cal analy­ses of sci­ence (i.e., the phys­i­cal sci­ences, life sci­ences, cog­ni­tive sci­ences, and social sci­ences) or that dis­cuss method­olog­i­cal issues sur­round­ing the prospects and chal­lenges of inte­grat­ing his­to­ry and phi­los­o­phy of sci­ence. For infor­ma­tion about the Com­mit­tee for Inte­grat­ed His­to­ry and Phi­los­o­phy of Sci­ence and pre­vi­ous con­fer­ences, see

Keynote speak­ers: Lydia Pat­ton (Vir­ginia Tech), Mar­ius Stan (Boston College)

Please note that &HPS10 does not run par­al­lel ses­sions and, giv­en the num­ber of slots avail­able, does not accept sym­po­sium sub­mis­sions. In addi­tion to con­tributed papers (20 min­utes + 10 min­utes of ques­tions), &HPS10 will also fea­ture a com­bi­na­tion of 10-minute light­ning talks fol­lowed by a com­mu­nal ses­sion with ‘dis­cus­sion sta­tions’ for the light­ning talk pre­sen­ters. For this forum, we wel­come sub­mis­sions that are more explorato­ry, works in progress, try out new ideas, and so on. Each pre­sen­ter may appear on the final pro­gram only once.

All pro­pos­als (whether for a con­tributed paper or light­ning talk) should con­tain a title and an abstract of up to 700 words (includ­ing references). 

Please sub­mit your abstracts to

We have an ongo­ing com­mit­ment to fos­ter­ing diver­si­ty and equal­i­ty in our pro­grams. Sub­mis­sions from mem­bers of under­rep­re­sent­ed groups are par­tic­u­lar­ly welcome!

Dead­line for abstract sub­mis­sions: 11:59 pm Any­where on Earth (UTC ‑12) 18 August. Noti­fi­ca­tion date: 31 Octo­ber, 2024.

Please direct any inquiries to Uljana Feest ( or Dana Tulodziec­ki (


23. Apr – 24. Apr 2025

Health, Environment, and Anthropology


In Per­son Con­fer­ence at Durham Uni­ver­si­ty Uni­ver­si­ty, UK

Health, Envi­ron­ment, and Anthropology
23–24 April 2025
Durham University

As the world is get­ting fuller, faster, hot­ter, and sick­er, HEAT asks how can anthro­pol­o­gists con­tribute to unfold­ing debates around health and envi­ron­ment on a chang­ing and unequal plan­et? In what ways can med­ical and envi­ron­men­tal anthro­pol­o­gy work togeth­er and with oth­er dis­ci­plines, com­mu­ni­ties, and stake­hold­ers to help sup­port the devel­op­ment of knowl­edge and resources for respond­ing to envi­ron­men­tal destruc­tion and glob­al heating?

As envi­ron­men­tal and cli­mate trans­form soci­eties and ecolo­gies around the world, it is imper­a­tive that anthro­pol­o­gists con­tin­ue to seek new ways of think­ing and speak­ing among them­selves and with oth­ers about the rela­tion­ships among humans, oth­er-than-humans, the envi­ron­ment, and the plan­et. By exam­in­ing the intri­cate web of inter­de­pen­den­cies between soci­eties, ecosys­tems, and envi­ron­men­tal process­es, anthro­pol­o­gists have an impor­tant role to play in under­stand­ing and address­ing the com­plex chal­lenges faced by our planet.

Pan­el pro­pos­als are invit­ed in the fol­low­ing and relat­ed areas:

  • Chang­ing pat­terns and pro­files of health, ill­ness, and dis­ease in response to envi­ron­men­tal and cli­mate change
  • Chang­ing human and more-than-human entan­gle­ments in rela­tion to envi­ron­men­tal and cli­mate change
  • Social move­ments and new forms of social­i­ty aris­ing from con­cerns about plan­e­tary health
  • Envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice, inequal­i­ty, and mar­gin­al­ized communities
  • Demo­graph­ic anx­i­eties and the effects of migra­tion, dis­place­ment, and armed con­flict in the con­text of chang­ing environments
  • Impacts of cli­mate change on repro­duc­tive health and rights
  • Diverse eco­log­i­cal knowl­edges and indige­nous per­spec­tives on plan­e­tary health
  • Sus­tain­able food sys­tems, agri­cul­ture, and nutrition
  • Urban­iza­tion, glob­al­iza­tion, and the trans­for­ma­tion of human-envi­ron­ment relationships
  • Health impacts of extrac­tive indus­tries and resource exploitation
  • Eth­i­cal and/or method­olog­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions in plan­e­tary health research and interventions
  • Pol­i­cy inter­ven­tions and gov­er­nance for plan­e­tary health
  • Tech­no­log­i­cal and design inno­va­tions for improv­ing plan­e­tary health and deal­ing with the health impacts of envi­ron­men­tal destruc­tion and glob­al heating
  • Men­tal health and well­be­ing in the con­text of cli­mate change
  • Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary con­nec­tions, includ­ing engage­ment with the Over­laps and con­tention between the frame­works of Plan­e­tary Health, Glob­al Health, and One Health.

Pan­el pro­pos­als should include a title and 250 word abstract. The dead­line is Sep­tem­ber 2024. A Call for Papers will then follow.

To sub­mit a pan­el abstract, please fol­low this link:

Email the con­fer­ence organ­is­ers at


23. Apr – 24. Apr 2025

Health, Environment, and AnThropology (HEAT)


A con­fer­ence explor­ing the inter­sec­tions of health and envi­ron­men­tal anthropology

Call for Pan­els „Health, Envi­ron­ment, and Anthropology”
23–24 April 2025
Durham Uni­ver­si­ty in UK
Orga­nized by the The Roy­al Anthro­po­log­i­cal Insti­tute, Uni­ver­si­ty of Durham & Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh present

As the world is get­ting fuller, faster, hot­ter, and sick­er, HEAT asks how can anthro­pol­o­gists con­tribute to unfold­ing debates around health and envi­ron­ment on a chang­ing and unequal plan­et? In what ways can med­ical and envi­ron­men­tal anthro­pol­o­gy work togeth­er and with oth­er dis­ci­plines, com­mu­ni­ties, and stake­hold­ers to help sup­port the devel­op­ment of knowl­edge and resources for respond­ing to envi­ron­men­tal destruc­tion and glob­al heating?

As envi­ron­men­tal and cli­mate trans­form soci­eties and ecolo­gies around the world, it is imper­a­tive that anthro­pol­o­gists con­tin­ue to seek new ways of think­ing and speak­ing among them­selves and with oth­ers about the rela­tion­ships among humans, oth­er-than-humans, the envi­ron­ment, and the plan­et. By exam­in­ing the intri­cate web of inter­de­pen­den­cies between soci­eties, ecosys­tems, and envi­ron­men­tal process­es, anthro­pol­o­gists have an impor­tant role to play in under­stand­ing and address­ing the com­plex chal­lenges faced by our planet.

Pan­el pro­pos­als are invit­ed in the fol­low­ing and relat­ed areas:

Chang­ing pat­terns and pro­files of health, ill­ness, and dis­ease in response to envi­ron­men­tal and cli­mate change

  • Chang­ing human and more-than-human entan­gle­ments in rela­tion to envi­ron­men­tal and cli­mate change
  • Social move­ments and new forms of social­i­ty aris­ing from con­cerns about plan­e­tary health
  • Envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice, inequal­i­ty, and mar­gin­al­ized communities
    Demo­graph­ic anx­i­eties and the effects of migra­tion, dis­place­ment, and armed con­flict in the con­text of chang­ing environments
  • Impacts of cli­mate change on repro­duc­tive health and rights
    Diverse eco­log­i­cal knowl­edges and indige­nous per­spec­tives on plan­e­tary health
    Sus­tain­able food sys­tems, agri­cul­ture, and nutrition
  • Urban­iza­tion, glob­al­iza­tion, and the trans­for­ma­tion of human-envi­ron­ment relationships
  • Health impacts of extrac­tive indus­tries and resource exploitation
    Eth­i­cal and/or method­olog­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions in plan­e­tary health research and interventions
  • Pol­i­cy inter­ven­tions and gov­er­nance for plan­e­tary health
    Tech­no­log­i­cal and design inno­va­tions for improv­ing plan­e­tary health and deal­ing with the health impacts of envi­ron­men­tal destruc­tion and glob­al heating
    Men­tal health and well­be­ing in the con­text of cli­mate change
  • Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary con­nec­tions, includ­ing engage­ment with the Over­laps and con­tention between the frame­works of Plan­e­tary Health, Glob­al Health, and One Health.

Pan­el pro­pos­als should include a title and 250 word abstract. The dead­line is 30th Sep­tem­ber 2024. A Call for Papers will then follow.

To sub­mit a pan­el abstract, please fol­low this link:

Email the con­fer­ence organ­is­ers at


28. Apr – 02. Mai 2025

Where Are We Now? Visual and Multimodal Anthropology


Call for Pan­els: RAI FILM Online Con­fer­ence 2025 

Call for Pan­els: RAI FILM Online Con­fer­ence 2025: „Where Are We Now? Visu­al and Mul­ti­modal Anthropology”
28 April – 2 May 2025 (Online only)

RAI FILM and the Film Com­mit­tee of the Roy­al Anthro­po­log­i­cal Insti­tute invites pan­el, round­table, and work­shop pro­pos­als on any facet of visu­al, mul­ti­sen­so­ry and mul­ti­modal Anthro­pol­o­gy. We want to redou­ble our efforts to achieve a bet­ter and more sus­tain­able future for all by learn­ing more about how anthro­pol­o­gists are using these meth­ods to respond to glob­al chal­lenges of our times. We encour­age pre­sen­ta­tions that explore emer­gent method­olo­gies and inter­ac­tive approach­es. We offer an inclu­sive forum to explore cre­ative and inno­v­a­tive approach­es, dis­cuss col­lab­o­ra­tive and par­tic­i­pa­to­ry meth­ods and tack­le prac­ti­cal problems.
Pos­si­ble areas of con­tem­po­rary inter­est might be dia­logues between emer­gent and exist­ing forms of film mak­ing; AI and chang­ing tech­nolo­gies (extend­ed real­i­ty (XR); sto­ry­telling and nar­ra­tive, indige­nous film­mak­ing; ani­ma­tion, and aesthetics.
In addi­tion to this open call, we are also look­ing to high­light the glob­al chal­lenges for visu­al and mul­ti­modal anthro­pol­o­gy. We ask how visu­al and mul­ti­modal meth­ods can help to address the glob­al chal­lenges of our times. We want to learn how anthro­pol­o­gists are using visu­al and mul­ti­modal tools to respond to issues such as inequal­i­ty, envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion, pover­ty, cli­mate change, war, and jus­tice. We wel­come engage­ment with top­ics such as food and hunger, water, migra­tion, forced dis­place­ment, extrem­ism and intol­er­ance, social inequal­i­ties, men­tal health, dis­abil­i­ty, dis­crim­i­na­tion and geno­cide, peace and jus­tice, cli­mate change and sus­tain­abil­i­ty, renew­ables and just economies.
This vir­tu­al con­fer­ence sits along­side the RAI FILM Fes­ti­val which is a bien­ni­al inter­na­tion­al event cel­e­brat­ing the best in doc­u­men­tary film­mak­ing from around the globe and estab­lished in 1985 by the Roy­al Anthro­po­log­i­cal Insti­tute (UK). The fes­ti­val show­cas­es new work from aca­d­e­m­ic anthro­pol­o­gists and relat­ed dis­ci­plines, and from film­mak­ers at all lev­els of expe­ri­ence from stu­dents to pro­fes­sion­als. It looks for fear­less films that ask dif­fi­cult ques­tions, build bridges, seek redress and pro­mote social jus­tice and dialogue.

To see our two most recent edi­tions see:

RAI FILM Fes­ti­val 2025 will cel­e­brate our 40th anniver­sary both in per­son and online:

In per­son film fes­ti­val – 27–30 March 2025 at Water­shed & Arnolfi­ni, Bris­tol UK
Screen­ings, gala events, work­shops and talks
Fes­ti­val films avail­able online through­out April 2025
Stream­ing 80 films avail­able 24/7 worldwide
RAI FILM Con­fer­ence – 28 April‑2 May 2025
Keynotes, pan­els, round­table, work­shops and paper presentations

Join us to explore the crit­i­cal role of visu­al and mul­ti­modal anthro­pol­o­gy in address­ing con­tem­po­rary glob­al issues. Sub­mit your pro­pos­als and con­tribute to a dynam­ic and inclu­sive forum for inno­v­a­tive and cre­ative schol­ar­ly exchange.

Pan­el Sub­mis­sion Guidelines:

1. Pan­el, Round­table, and Work­shop Proposals:

  • Title: Con­cise and descriptive.
  • Short Abstract: a (very) short abstract of less than 300 characters,
  • Long Abstract: a long abstract of 250 words

2. Impor­tant Dates:

  • Call for Pan­els Clos­es: 1 Octo­ber 2024
  • Call for Papers Opens: 1 Novem­ber 2024
  • Call for Papers Clos­es: 17 Jan­u­ary 2025
  • Reg­is­tra­tion Opens: 24 Feb­ru­ary 2025

To Sub­mit: All pro­pos­als must be made via an online form


Vergangene Veranstaltungen


09. Okt - 10. Okt 2024

Sweden-oriented meeting for Medicine and Health Phd Students


Meeting at Umea University, Sweden

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

27. Sep 2024

Mindful Coaching: New Paradigm For Burn-Not-out


Hybrid lecture and discussion

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

23. Sep - 26. Sep 2024

Images as evidence (of what)? The Body at the Intersection of Science and Art


Vienna Anthropology Days, Dept. of Social & Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

23. Sep - 26. Sep 2024

"Transition in Health"


Workshop at VANDA (Vienna Anthropology Days) 2024

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

21. Sep - 22. Sep 2024

Vision Behandlungsgerechtigkeit: die Bedeutung multimodaler Ansätze in der transkulturellen Arbeit (17. Kongress des DTPPP)


Digitaler Kongress des Dachverbands der transkulturellen Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik im deutschsprachigen Raum (DTPPP)

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

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