
Event calendar

In this section we present selected events from the interdisciplinary field of anthropology and medicine.

We appreciate any references to relevant events. Please send an e-mail to

Past events


Mar 20 - Mar 21, 2023

Nuclear Research in Medicine after the Second World War


Conference at the Medical University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna

Link to this event

Mar 15 - Mar 17, 2023

Circulations of Knowledges in Digital Medical Applications


Panel at at Human Technology Center Aachen

Link to this event

Mar 09 - Mar 11, 2023

Rare Diseases, Global Health, and Social Sciences: Counterbalancing Biomedical Reductionism


Workshop at the Brocher Foundation, Hermance, Switzerland

Link to this event

Mar 03 - Mar 05, 2023

36. Symposion zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse


Symposion an der International Psychoanalytic University (IPU) in Berlin

Link to this event

Feb 10 - Feb 11, 2023

KörperZeiten. Narrative, Praktiken und Medien


Interdisziplinäre Tagung der Isa Lohmann-Siems Stiftung im Warburg-Haus in Hamburg

Link to this event

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