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Echoes of Ebola: Bats, Virus Hunters, and Epidemic Origins in Guinea

06. Novem­ber 2024 

LSHTM Med­ical Anthro­pol­o­gy Sem­i­nar on Ebola

Dr Emmanuelle Roth, Research Fel­low in the Rachel Car­son Cen­ter for Envi­ron­ment and Soci­ety at the Lud­wig-Max­i­m­il­ians-Uni­ver­sität München: „Echoes of Ebo­la: Bats, Virus Hunters, and Epi­dem­ic Ori­gins in Guinea”
6th Nov, 4–5.15 PM GMT

This pre­sen­ta­tion explores the geopol­i­tics, econ­o­my, and infra­struc­ture of pan­dem­ic antic­i­pa­tion in a sto­ry of virus hunters, the bats they col­lect­ed, and the unsta­ble truths that echoed through and around the search for the elu­sive ori­gins of Ebo­la in the wake of the disease’s dead­liest epi­dem­ic in West Africa.

This webi­nar is online only, fol­low the link here