Willkommen bei der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und Medizin (AGEM)
Die AGEM ist ein 1970 gegründeter gemeinnütziger Verein mit dem Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Medizin, den angrenzenden Naturwissenschaften und den Kultur‑, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften zu fördern und dadurch das Studium des interdisziplinären Arbeitsfelds Ethnologie und Medizin zu intensivieren.
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Zeitschrift für Medizinethnologie
Läuft. Die Ausstellung zur Menstruation
Ausstellung im Museum Europäischer Kulturen (Berlin)
„Läuft. Die Ausstellung zur Menstruation“
06.10.2023 bis 06.10.2024
Museum Europäischer Kulturen – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Etwa 2 Milliarden Menschen auf der Welt menstruieren. Über 1,5 Milliarden weitere Menschen hatten ihre Periode oder werden sie bekommen. Seit rund 10 Jahren nun wird die Menstruation in Europa öffentlich diskutiert. Das MEK präsentiert die Ausstellung dazu.
„Läuft“ zeigt eine Geschichte des Pragmatismus und der Utopien, des Erfindungsreichtums und Aktivismus. Dafür versammelt die Ausstellung rund 100 historische und brandneue Menstruationsartikel sowie Werbeanzeigen. Schaubilder, Interviews und Hands-On-Stationen vermitteln den aktuellen Wissensstand. Mit knapp 200 Alltagsgegenständen, Fotos, Grafiken, Zeitungsartikeln und Social-Media-Posts fächert die Ausstellung die Diskurse auf, die Menstruierende seit Jahrzehnten begleiten: Es geht um Themen wie Leistung, Periodenarmut, Müll, „Normalität“, Naturverbundenheit, Stimmung und einige mehr – und natürlich um Aktivismus! Denn im Zentrum stehen die Stimmen und Erfahrungen von Menstruierenden selbst. Wir laden dazu ein, ihnen in Interviews zu lauschen und sich selbst auszutauschen. Filmausschnitte, Musik und Kunstwerke runden die Ausstellung ab.
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Genetics, Pandemics, and Society
UC virtual Global Seminar in Edinburgh, UK
Global Seminar on Genetics, Pandemics and Society
Edinburgh, UK
Please consider joining us next summer in Edinburgh, Scotland for a Global Seminar on „Genetics, Pandemics and Society.” Co-taught by UCSD Professors Daniel Navon (Sociology) and Claire Edington (History), this Global Seminar introduces students to new ways of thinking about the world of genetics and public health in one of Europe’s most beautiful and dynamic capitals. In addition to exploring the city, you will hear from world-leading experts at the University of Edinburgh, and participate in an organized trip to the Scottish Highlands.
For more information, check out this link or feel free to contact Professor Navon ( or Professor Edington ( directly. This Global Seminar is open to students on any UC campus, and the courses offered fulfill many major and minor requirements as well as a UCSD DEI requirement. It will run in Summer Session I 2025.
Composing Coexistence: Challenges in Research on More-than-Human Health
In person workshop at Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg
Doctoral workshop „Composing Coexistence: Challenges in Research on More-than-Human Health”
20–21 Feb 2025
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg
Organized by the research group Medical Anthropology at the BNITM
Environmental disasters and the (re-)emergence of infectious diseases require human health to be considered in relation to the health of animals and the environment. A growing number of social scientists investigate multispecies contact zones and how these are bound up with anthropogenic processes, such as climate change, land use, resource exploitation, pollution and toxicity. Their studies have had an enormous impact on the development of biosocial approaches to multispecies relations.
Anthropological ambitions to compose coexistence in a sensitive way are higher than ever. However, multispecies researchers face several challenges and barriers, for example with regard to inter- or transdisciplinary work. While emphasizing the interconnectedness of humans, animals and the environment, concepts like ‘One Health’ or ‘Planetary Health’ ultimately revolve around questions of human health and well-being. As a result, anthropocentric and human exceptionalist approaches are often promoted, neglecting the perspectives and needs of non-human beings. How can social scientists debunk such approaches? How can we ensure that we do not reproduce these perspectives? How can we address issues of translation, advocacy and agency concerning non-human beings?
With this workshop, we seek to address doctoral researchers from the social sciences and humanities with a keen interest in the study of more-than-human health. Over two days, we will present and discuss our research projects, and engage in creative exercises considering current debates on multispecies methodologies and related obstacles. Furthermore, we are delighted that Giorgio Brocco (University of Vienna) will give a talk on chemicality and toxicity in the plantation world of the French Caribbean.
We warmly welcome applications from doctoral students who are at an early stage of their research or in the post-fieldwork phase. As early-career researchers, our aim is to create a supportive environment where we can strengthen our research topics and connect with researchers who share an interest in exploring the entanglements between human, animal and environmental health.
The workshop will be held in English. If you would like to participate, please send a description of your research project (max. 750 words) and your academic CV to vivien.barth(at) or to erik.zillmann(at) by 30 September 2024.