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Birth Rites Collection Summer School 2024

02. Juli – 04. Juli 2024 

Hybrid Birth Rites Col­lec­tion Sum­mer School 2024

Birth Rites Col­lec­tion Sum­mer School 2024
July 1–4, 2024
10am–5pm BST
Uni­ver­si­ty of Kent, Can­ter­bury, Unit­ed Kingdom

BRC Sum­mer School is a unique pro­gram of lec­tures, work­shops, sem­i­nars and one-to-one tuto­ri­als. Four inten­sive days will intro­duce you to the col­lec­tion and facil­i­tate a dia­logue between you, your prac­tice, and the art­works. The course is led by artist & BRC Cura­tor Helen Knowles and artist Dr. Leni Dothan.

This year, work­shops include reflect­ing on the themes of aes­thet­ics, ethics, pol­i­tics, and the visu­al dis­cours­es of birth through visu­al and writ­ten mate­ri­als, with the empha­sis on learn­ing how to stage and doc­u­ment per­for­mances. Through lec­tures by lead­ing artists in the field, we will intro­duce dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives to ini­ti­ate in-depth discussions.

The Sum­mer School pro­vides a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty for cross-dis­ci­pli­nary debate and focus­es on cre­ative prac­tice in research through a num­ber of dif­fer­ent method­olo­gies in the con­text of child­birth. It con­sid­ers the sci­en­tif­ic, med­ical, soci­o­log­i­cal, anthro­po­log­i­cal, and legal impli­ca­tions of mod­ern child­birth prac­tice, includ­ing advance­ments in bio­med­ical tech­nol­o­gy through an artis­tic lens.

Mid­wives, aca­d­e­mics, cura­tors, artists, film­mak­ers, medics, health pro­fes­sion­als, art his­to­ri­ans, pol­i­cy advi­sors and the gen­er­al pub­lic, are all wel­come. As a par­tic­i­pant, you will enter the course with your own skill set and fin­ish with a bespoke mul­ti-media pack of visu­al, tex­tu­al, audi­to­ry, pho­to­graph­ic, filmic and per­for­ma­tive mate­r­i­al, to be used there­after in your own future work.

2024 Speak­ers include: Helen Knowles, Dr. Leni Dothan, Bar­bara Rosen­thal, Puck Verkade, Ana Casas Bro­da, Sarah Maple, Dyana Grav­ina and Dr. Han­nah Ballou.

Four-day course (in-per­son): July 1–4, 2024, 10am–5pm BST Uni­ver­si­ty of Kent, Can­ter­bury, Unit­ed King­dom. On-cam­pus accom­mo­da­tion is avail­able for an addi­tion­al cost.

550 GBP per per­son / 400 GBP per per­son con­ces­sion rate (for prac­tis­ing artists, stu­dents, and those on a low income).

Four-day course (online): July 1–4, 2024
250 GBP per per­son for online access to a series of live and record­ed lec­tures, talks, films, and workshops.

All book­ings are con­firmed with a deposit of 100GBP.

Book your place on the Sum­mer School on the Birth Rites Col­lec­tion web­site or email helen [​at​] for more infor­ma­tion here.