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Caring for Images, Looking at Care – Exploring Images of Care

25. März 2025 

In per­son Work­shop at the Ethno­graph­ic Muse­um at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich 

Car­ing for Images, Look­ing at Care – Explor­ing Images of Care
Regard Bleu Ethno­graph­ic Film Festival
Ethno­graph­ic Muse­um at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich
Pelikanstrasse 40, 8001 Zurich
Free (dona­tions wel­comed to sup­port our non-prof­it festival!)
Lan­guage: English
15th March 2025

Fill in a short sub­mis­sion form here, by Sat­ur­day 15th February.

If your ethno­graph­ic project on care – com­plet­ed, ongo­ing or envi­sioned – involves exper­i­ment­ing with „look­ing” (and with sen­so­ry atten­tion more gen­er­al­ly), join us for this FREE IN-PERSON work­shop­ping at the Ethno­graph­ic Muse­um of Zurich on 15th March! This is part of the Regard Bleu Ethno­graph­ic Film Festival.

‘Car­ing for Images, Look­ing at Care’ – Explor­ing Images of Care
How do we see, doc­u­ment, and respect­ful­ly rep­re­sent acts of care that tend to be made invis­i­ble, despite their cen­tral role in the main­te­nance of healthy social rela­tions, and indeed of soci­ety at large? This work­shop pro­pos­es to explore the space of care, a space cen­tral­ly relat­ed to human vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and depen­dence, and to focus on the inter­sec­tion of care in its broad­est sense with “images, vision and visu­al­i­ty” (Pieta and Sokolovsky 2021). Inspired by the work of and framed around a con­ver­sa­tion with Bar­bara Pietà and Pao­lo Favero, the two founders of the ‘Images of Care Col­lec­tive’, this work­shop is an invi­ta­tion to think col­lec­tive­ly about how mul­ti­modal­i­ty — whether pho­tographs, film, or oth­er audio­vi­su­al media — can help us access, doc­u­ment, and under­stand acts of care that are often over­looked. How can mul­ti­modal approach­es chal­lenge exist­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tions of care and help us reimag­ine the ways we engage with vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty and pow­er in care relations?

This tar­get­ed, hands-on work­shop will engage with select­ed ear­ly-career researchers’ work on care and help them devel­op their projects. If you have a project (con­clud­ed or ongo­ing) that address­es (some of) the ques­tions raised above, we would love to read more about it! To join us for the work­shop, hand in your pro­pos­al through the appli­ca­tion form. This is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to share your thoughts and expe­ri­ences and get con­struc­tive feed­back from experts and peers.

Work­shop Highlights:

‑Explore the realm of care by exchang­ing with the founders of the ‘Images of Care Col­lec­tive’, Bar­bara Pieta and Pao­lo Favero, with peers and an inter­est­ed public.
‑Keynote lec­ture by Bar­bara Pieta
‑Pan­el con­tri­bu­tions: Present your project and get con­struc­tive feedback.
‑Open to all: Whether you’re work­ing on film, mul­ti­me­dia, or cross-dis­ci­pli­nary projects, all cre­ators are welcome.

Work­shop Date:
‑Keynote by Bar­bara Pietà: Sat­ur­day, 15th March 9:30–10:45 AM
‑Work­shop ses­sions: Sat­ur­day, 15th March, 11:15 AM ‑4:15 PM

Appli­ca­tion process for pan­el pre­sen­ta­tion: To present in the workshop,please pro­vide a one-page-abstract of the project you would like to present (ongo­ing or con­clud­ed) and sub­mit it via the appli­ca­tion form – click here to fill in the form
Dead­line for pan­el appli­ca­tions: 15th Feb­ru­ary 2025
Lim­it­ed space: the work­shop is open to the pub­lic (no reg­is­tra­tion nec­es­sary), space is lim­it­ed, first come first served

More info here

Work­shop orga­nized by Olivia Kil­lias and Saa­da Elabed, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Bar­bara Pieta and Pao­lo Favero