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Carol Homden: How Are Children’s Voices Heard?

23. Jan­u­ar 2024 

Event in the frame­works of vir­tu­al inReach sem­i­nars at the The Cen­tre for Research in the Arts, Social Sci­ences and Human­i­ties (CRASSH)/University of Cambridge

„How Are Children’s Voic­es Heard?”
Car­ol Hom­den (Chief Exec­u­tive at Coram + Chair of the Nation­al Autis­tic Society)

Using a com­bi­na­tion of his­toric and cur­rent exam­ples, Car­ol Hom­den explores the ways in which children’s views and expe­ri­ences are or are not heard and act­ed upon in pol­i­cy, prac­tice and the pub­lic dis­course and whether this matters.

inReach – /ɪn riːtʃ/ Sem­i­nar Series. A sem­i­nar series con­vened by Kel­ly Fagan Robin­son (Depart­ment of Social Anthropology)
Reg­is­tra­tion via Eventbrite