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Casey Golomski: God’s Waiting Room: Images of Care in Poetic Form

09. Dezem­ber 2024 

Webi­nar of the series „Images, Age­ing and Care”

Casey Golom­s­ki: „God’s Wait­ing Room: Images of Care in Poet­ic Form”
9th December
18:00–19:30 CET, 17:00–18: 30 GMT, 12:00–13:30 Eastern 

Zoom-Link: Meet­ing ID: 933 6054 8693.

It is the eighth webi­nar of the series „Images, Age­ing and Care”. Cati Coe will mod­er­ate the discussion.

A new work of cre­ative non­fic­tion, God’s Wait­ing Room (Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty Press and Wits Uni­ver­si­ty Press) flips the script on racial dis­crim­i­na­tion in US long term care, show­ing how old­er ‘racist’ whites and their black nurs­es find grace togeth­er among their ghosts and despite the odds. Set thir­ty years after apartheid in South Africa, it fea­tures the untold sto­ry of Nel­son Mandela’s Robben Island Prison nurse as well as sto­ries of queer old­er adults and health­care providers, teach­ing us how racism, ageism, and sex­ism impact where we end up, who cares, and what mat­ters in the end. While ground­ed in sev­en years of ethno­graph­ic research, the book is nar­rat­ed as tak­ing place in a sin­gle day and employs col­or pho­tos and visu­al­ly strik­ing ele­ments of poet­ic form, trans­la­tion, and prose. This sem­i­nar offers a win­dow into the author’s cre­ative process, sit­u­at­ing these nar­ra­tive ele­ments with­in his­to­ries of imag­is­tic and ethno­graph­ic poet­ry and relat­ing the book to recent imag­is­tic approach­es in the anthro­pol­o­gy of aging, care, and the Otherwise. 

A cre­ative writer and cul­tur­al and med­ical anthro­pol­o­gist, Casey Golom­s­ki is a Depart­ment Chair and Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of New Hamp­shire, with vis­it­ing appoint­ments at the uni­ver­si­ties of Pre­to­ria and the Wit­wa­ter­srand. He is the author of the book Funer­al Cul­ture (Indi­ana Uni­ver­si­ty Press) and many arti­cles, spe­cial issues, and poems in anthro­pol­o­gy, African and Black stud­ies, and lit­er­ary journals.

ABOUT THE WEBINAR SERIES ON IMAGES, AGEING AND CARE: This webi­nar series – free and open to all- gath­ers anthro­pol­o­gists and image-mak­ers inter­est­ed in explor­ing the onto­log­i­cal and epis­te­mo­log­i­cal con­nec­tions between images, aging and care, treat­ing the rela­tion­ship and these phe­nom­e­na as requir­ing and invit­ing inter­ro­ga­tion. It is spon­sored by the Images of Care Col­lec­tive, the Asso­ci­a­tion for Anthro­pol­o­gy, Geron­tol­ogy and the Life Course (AAGE), EASA’s Age and Gen­er­a­tions Net­work (AgeNet) and the Net­work for Visu­al Anthro­pol­o­gy of the Euro­pean Asso­ci­a­tion of Social Anthro­pol­o­gists (VANEASA). You can see our past webi­na­rs here.