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Circulations of Knowledges in Digital Medical Applications

15. März – 17. März 2023 

Pan­el at at Human Tech­nol­o­gy Cen­ter Aachen

Please find our CfP “Cir­cu­la­tions of Knowl­edges in Dig­i­tal Med­ical Appli­ca­tions”/fSTS (for 2023) attached. takes place on March 15th-17th 2023 at Human Tech­nol­o­gy Cen­ter Aachen

Dead­line for abstracts is Octo­ber 16th 2022.

In med­i­cine what is con­sid­ered as knowl­edge is espe­cial­ly con­test­ed because the field great­ly influ­ences knowl­edge in oth­er fields and oth­er fields also influ­ence how and which knowl­edge is con­struct­ed in med­i­cine. We see this in archives of stan­dard­ized knowl­edge that get cir­cu­lat­ed a lot also in oth­er dis­ci­plines, such as brain atlases, anato­my books and the like (con­cep­tu­al­ized by Susan L. Star as bound­ary objects). With new tech­nolo­gies and new dig­i­tal appli­ca­tions also new dis­ci­plines and stake­hold­ers get involved and claim their say. E.g., (bio)medical appli­ca­tions based on arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence are being devel­oped by teams of med­ical and tech­ni­cal experts, ethi­cists, legal advi­sors, and oth­ers, such as it is intend­ed in the ELSI (eth­i­cal legal soci­o­log­i­cal impli­ca­tions) frame­work manda­to­ry for BMBF projects. The new work­ing alliances raise ques­tions about how knowl­edge is cre­at­ed, trans­lat­ed, passed on, and cre­ate new rela­tion­ships of depen­den­cy. Fem­i­nist STS has a long tra­di­tion in crit­i­ciz­ing (hege­mo­ni­al) knowl­edge and analy­ses how knowl­edge is formed (or con­struct­ed), who is involved with which pow­er and which con­se­quences result there­of. By pro­vid­ing impor­tant ana­lyt­i­cal tools to ask about the pro­duc­tion of knowl­edge and its effects, fem­i­nist STS makes an impor­tant crit­i­cal contribution.

This pan­el aims to dis­cuss the cir­cu­la­tion of knowl­edge in/with/and through dig­i­tal med­ical appli­ca­tions from a fem­i­nist STS view. Exam­ples could be the analy­sis of:

-       cir­cu­la­tions of knowl­edge in empir­i­cal stud­ies on inter-/and trans­dis­ci­pli­nary devel­op­ment and appli­ca­tion of such devices;

-       (shift­ing) pow­er hier­ar­chies through the cir­cu­la­tion of knowl­edge in med­ical applications;

-       social inequal­i­ty through dif­fer­ent access to dig­i­tal applications;

-       the role of inter­dis­ci­pli­nary work in the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of dig­i­tal med­ical applications

-       the con­se­quences for users and the impor­tance of users in the devel­op­ment of dig­i­tal devices

-       suit­able method­olog­i­cal frame­works for the analy­sis of these cir­cu­la­tions in med­ical appli­ca­tions; and others.


Please send your Eng­lish abstract (300 – 500 words) and a short bio­graph­i­cal note includ­ing, name, affil­i­a­tion and ORCID num­ber (if avail­able) until Octo­ber 16th 2022 to all two pan­el orga­niz­ers: Renate Baum­gart­ner, Cen­ter of Gen­der and Diver­si­ty Research at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübin­gen, AND Tama­ra Schw­er­tel, Insti­tute for His­to­ry, The­o­ry and Ethics of Med­i­cine at the Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Cen­ter Mainz,