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CONFERENCE – Living Politics. Remembering HIV/AIDS Activism Tomorrow

12. Sep­tem­ber – 13. Sep­tem­ber 2019 

How are pol­i­tics and life nar­ra­tives in the fields of HIV/AIDS activism in Europe entangled?

The con­fer­ence dis­cuss­es the mean­ing, meth­ods and impor­tance of pre­serv­ing his­to­ries of HIV/AIDS, and how these and oth­er ongo­ing prac­tices relate to cur­rent engage­ments with the epi­dem­ic. It brings togeth­er social sci­ence researchers, pol­i­cy mak­ers and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of NGOs and activist groups from the fields of HIV/AIDS, drug pol­i­cy, LGBTQ rights, sex work, migra­tion pol­i­tics and pris­ons. The con­fer­ence has been organ­ised by the EUROPACH research team, which will present project out­puts and con­clud­ing argu­ments about cit­i­zen­ship in Europe in rela­tion to HIV/AIDS. Focus will be on Ger­many, Poland, Rus­sia, Turkey, the UK and the Euro­pean region. It will cel­e­brate the open­ing of the exhi­bi­tion “HiVs­to­ries” at the Schwules Muse­um, and the launch of the EUROPACH con­tri­bu­tion to the Euro­pean HIV/AIDS Archive, which includes over 100 oral his­to­ry interviews.

Con­fer­ence lan­guage: Eng­lish with trans­la­tion upon request.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it:

How are pol­i­tics and life nar­ra­tives in the fields of HIV/AIDS activism in Europe entangled?

The con­fer­ence dis­cuss­es the mean­ing, meth­ods and impor­tance of pre­serv­ing his­to­ries of HIV/AIDS, and how these and oth­er ongo­ing prac­tices relate to cur­rent engage­ments with the epi­dem­ic. It brings togeth­er social sci­ence researchers, pol­i­cy mak­ers and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of NGOs and activist groups from the fields of HIV/AIDS, drug pol­i­cy, LGBTQ rights, sex work, migra­tion pol­i­tics and pris­ons. The con­fer­ence has been organ­ised by the EUROPACH research team, which will present project out­puts and con­clud­ing argu­ments about cit­i­zen­ship in Europe in rela­tion to HIV/AIDS. Focus will be on Ger­many, Poland, Rus­sia, Turkey, the UK and the Euro­pean region. It will cel­e­brate the open­ing of the exhi­bi­tion “HiVs­to­ries” at the Schwules Muse­um, and the launch of the EUROPACH con­tri­bu­tion to the Euro­pean HIV/AIDS Archive, which includes over 100 oral his­to­ry interviews.

Con­fer­ence lan­guage: Eng­lish with trans­la­tion upon request.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it: