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Contemporary Changes in Medically Assisted Reproduction: The Role of Social Inequality and Social Norms

15. Okto­ber 2025 

CfP by Social Inclu­sion Journal

Call for papers for a spe­cial issue on: Con­tem­po­rary Changes in Med­ical­ly Assist­ed Repro­duc­tion: The Role of Social Inequal­i­ty and Social Norms
Social Inclu­sion Journal

Dead­line for Abstracts: 15.10.2025
Dead­line for Papers: 30.03.2025

Social Inclu­sion, peer-reviewed jour­nal indexed in the Social Sci­ences Cita­tion Index (Web of Sci­ence; Impact Fac­tor: 1.4) and Sco­pus (CiteScore: 3.5), wel­comes new and excit­ing research papers for its upcom­ing issue „Con­tem­po­rary Changes in Med­ical­ly Assist­ed Repro­duc­tion: The Role of Social Inequal­i­ty and Social Norms,” edit­ed by Anne-Kristin Kuh­nt, Jörg Rös­sel, and Heike Trappe.

Since, in 1978, the first baby con­ceived by in vit­ro fer­til­iza­tion was born, fur­ther tech­no­log­i­cal advances, like egg freez­ing, pre-implan­ta­tion diag­nos­tics, and gene edit­ing (CRISPR) have rev­o­lu­tion­ized the con­di­tions for human fer­til­i­ty. This the­mat­ic issue focus­es on how the social con­text, in par­tic­u­lar social inequal­i­ties and social norms, shapes atti­tudes towards these tech­nolo­gies, their use, and their impact. We are inter­est­ed in arti­cles that explore how atti­tudes and pub­lic dis­course on these tech­nolo­gies are shaped by pre­vail­ing gen­der norms and moral ori­en­ta­tions in societies.

Authors inter­est­ed in sub­mit­ting a paper to this issue are encour­aged to read the full call for papers here