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Disability & Climate: In conversation with… Polly Atkin and Julia Watts Belser

12. März 2024 

Sem­i­nar in the series „Dis­abil­i­ty & Cli­mate”, Online/University of Exeter

„Dis­abil­i­ty & Cli­mate: In con­ver­sa­tion with…dr Pol­ly Atkin and prof Julia Watts Belser”
Sem­i­nar in the series „Dis­abil­i­ty & Climate”
Online / Uni­ver­si­ty of Exeter,
12 March 2024
5–6.30pm GMT

Our fourth ses­sion will take place on Tues­day 12th March 2024 from 5–6.30pm GMT (1–2.30pm in EDT) with Pro­fes­sor Julia Watts Belser, schol­ar, rab­bi, and long time activist for dis­abil­i­ty and gen­der jus­tice. In this ses­sion, we’ll talk with Julia about her work to doc­u­ment dis­abil­i­ty cli­mate wis­dom in „Dis­abil­i­ty and Cli­mate Change: A Pub­lic Archive Project” (, a project that show­cas­es insights from dis­abled activists, artists, and first respon­ders who are grap­pling with cli­mate change. We’ll explore key issues from the archive—how dis­abil­i­ty insights about lim­its and loss can help us bet­ter nav­i­gate a pre­car­i­ous world, why cli­mate solu­tions need to reck­on with long­stand­ing inequal­i­ty and chron­ic cri­sis, as well as ways to nour­ish hope and cen­tre our­selves in the prac­tices of com­mu­ni­ty care. If you would like to find out more and/or sign up for this ses­sion, please com­plete this online form:
If the form is inac­ces­si­ble for you, please do email Sarah ( to share your inter­ests in join­ing instead.

In Sep­tem­ber 2023, the Euro­pean Cen­tre for Envi­ron­ment and Human Health launched start­ed a new online „Dis­abil­i­ty & Cli­mate: In con­ver­sa­tion with…” series for peo­ple that are inter­est­ed in reflect­ing on and/or shar­ing expe­ri­ences around dis­abil­i­ty and the cli­mate cri­sis. This is part of a new project on dis­abil­i­ty-inclu­sive cli­mate action led by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Exeter. The project web­site, „Sens­ing Cli­mate”, is com­ing soon but in the mean­time, you can read a lit­tle more about it online.