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Disability & Climate: In Conversation with Mary Keogh, Mahbub Kabir and Gordon Rattray

04. Juli 2024 

Sixth ses­sion of the „Dis­abil­i­ty & Cli­mate: In con­ver­sa­tion with…” Series

Lec­ture by Mary Keogh, Mah­bub Kabir and Gor­don Rattray
4th July 2024
9–10.30am BST

In Sep­tem­ber 2023, we launched a new online ‘Dis­abil­i­ty & Cli­mate: In con­ver­sa­tion with…’ series for peo­ple that are inter­est­ed in reflect­ing on and/or shar­ing expe­ri­ences around dis­abil­i­ty and the cli­mate cri­sis. This is part of a new project, called Sens­ing Cli­mate, led by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Exeter. You can read more about the project and tune into past events online:

Our sixth ses­sion will take place online on Thurs­day 4th July 2024, from 9–10.30am BST, and we’re real­ly excit­ed to be joined by Mary Keogh and Mah­bub Kabir of CBM Glob­al and Gor­don Rat­tray of the Euro­pean Dis­abil­i­ty Forum. Dur­ing the ses­sion, Mary, Mah­bub and Gor­don will be dis­cussing the work of CBM Glob­al and the Euro­pean Dis­abil­i­ty Forum to influ­ence pos­i­tive change at com­mu­ni­ty, nation­al and glob­al lev­els to ensure a dis­abil­i­ty inclu­sive pol­i­cy and pro­gramme response to the cli­mate crisis.

If you would like to read more and/or sign up for the ses­sion, please com­plete this form: If the form is inac­ces­si­ble for you, please do email Sarah ( to share your inter­ests in join­ing instead. We will then send round a Zoom sign in link about a week before the event.