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Genetics, Pandemics, and Society

10. Feb­ru­ar 2025 

UC vir­tu­al Glob­al Sem­i­nar in Edin­burgh, UK

Glob­al Sem­i­nar on Genet­ics, Pan­demics and Society
Edin­burgh, UK

Please con­sid­er join­ing us next sum­mer in Edin­burgh, Scot­land for a Glob­al Sem­i­nar on „Genet­ics, Pan­demics and Soci­ety.” Co-taught by UCSD Pro­fes­sors Daniel Navon (Soci­ol­o­gy) and Claire Eding­ton (His­to­ry), this Glob­al Sem­i­nar intro­duces stu­dents to new ways of think­ing about the world of genet­ics and pub­lic health in one of Europe’s most beau­ti­ful and dynam­ic cap­i­tals. In addi­tion to explor­ing the city, you will hear from world-lead­ing experts at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Edin­burgh, and par­tic­i­pate in an orga­nized trip to the Scot­tish Highlands. 

For more infor­ma­tion, check out this link or feel free to con­tact Pro­fes­sor Navon ( or Pro­fes­sor Eding­ton ( direct­ly. This Glob­al Sem­i­nar is open to stu­dents on any UC cam­pus, and the cours­es offered ful­fill many major and minor require­ments as well as a UCSD DEI require­ment. It will run in Sum­mer Ses­sion I 2025.