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Healthcare on the Move: Future Directions

23. Sep­tem­ber – 24. Sep­tem­ber 2021 

Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow Lan­cast­er Uni­ver­si­ty Wel­come Trust Doc­tors with­in Bor­ders: Net­work­ing Ini­tia­tive on Mobile Pop­u­la­tions in Con­tem­po­rary Health Sys­tems Health­care on the Move: Future Direc­tions Online Work­shop 3 23–24 Sep­tem­ber 2021.

Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow Lan­cast­er Uni­ver­si­ty Wel­come Trust Doc­tors with­in Bor­ders: Net­work­ing Ini­tia­tive on Mobile Pop­u­la­tions in Con­tem­po­rary Health Sys­tems Health­care on the Move: Future Direc­tions Online Work­shop 3 23–24 Sep­tem­ber 2021. Through­out the COVID-19 cri­sis, the call to ‘return to nor­mal’ has been con­sis­tent­ly artic­u­lat­ed along­side demands to ‘build back fair­er’. Ideas sur­round­ing the pro­tec­tion of pub­lic and indi­vid­ual health drove pub­lic pol­i­cy in the pan­dem­ic, dis­rupt­ing the move­ment of peo­ple and things with­in and across bor­ders. As a result, refugees, migrants and oth­er mem­bers of mobile pop­u­la­tions have increas­ing­ly faced an emerg­ing ‘san­i­tary apartheid’ (Heller 2021), that is a rein­force­ment of bor­der regimes in the name of pre­serv­ing pub­lic health. This work­shop asks what role can research play in dis­rupt­ing a ‘return to nor­mal’ where enti­tle­ment and access to health­care for mem­bers of these mobile groups remains a key are­na where bor­der­ing prac­tices and the denial of rights con­tin­ue to play out. Con­sol­i­dat­ing key insights from Doc­tors with­in Bor­ders Work­shops 1 and 2, the aims of the final work­shop are to sup­port fur­ther col­lab­o­ra­tion between net­work par­tic­i­pants, and to con­tin­ue devel­op­ing a research agen­da around health mobil­i­ties. We invite par­tic­i­pants to con­sid­er how calls for mobil­i­ty jus­tice (Sheller 2018) can be aligned with the crit­i­cal explo­ration of health care access for mobile pop­u­la­tions in this time of mul­ti­ple crises. Dis­cus­sions with­in the net­work thus far have high­light­ed the para­dox­es of health­care, recog­nis­ing the dichoto­my of care and con­trol by state, and the (in)visibility of mobile pop­u­la­tions as they are sub­ject to bor­der­ing prac­tices, which make them appear tran­sient in the eyes of health­care (and wel­fare) sys­tems. This tran­sience ren­ders par­tic­u­lar groups vul­ner­a­ble to ill health gen­er­at­ed by the con­di­tions this (in) vis­i­bil­i­ty engen­ders as they are denied the full recog­ni­tion of cit­i­zen­ship. To learn more about our about pre­vi­ous work, you can explore the Work­ing Papers from Work­shop 1 here: and the Pro­gram of our recent Work­shop 2 here: The present call focus­es on health­care and mobil­i­ty futures, seek­ing both crit­i­cal assess­ments of emerg­ing trends at the inter­sec­tions of bor­der­ing, health­care and pub­lic health, as well as imag­i­na­tive pro­pos­als that tran­scend the inequal­i­ties of (im)mobility and access to health­care. The design of this work­shop is informed by the aware­ness that the pan­dem­ic has had a sig­nif­i­cant impact on research activ­i­ties, from the time avail­able to issues of access. In addi­tion to empir­i­cal research at any stage of progress, we wel­come con­tri­bu­tions that are con­cep­tu­al, spec­u­la­tive and agen­da-set­ting. Some spe­cif­ic ques­tions we seek to explore include: • How do we map the devel­op­ment of bor­der poli­cies and prac­tices that seek to uti­lize pub­lic health as a mech­a­nism of exclu­sion? • What role do data tech­nolo­gies play in mov­ing infor­ma­tion while ren­der­ing peo­ple immo­bile? • In many places in the UK, Europe and beyond munic­i­pal­i­ties and activists have chal­lenged the lim­its on health care enti­tle­ments and access for mobile pop­u­la­tions, set­ting up mobile clin­ics and oth­er paths to uni­ver­sal access, both before and dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. What can we learn from these local respons­es to exclu­sion­ary poli­cies? • What role can staff work­ing in nation­al health­care sys­tems and those work­ing out­side of nation­al health sys­tems play in sup­port­ing mobile pop­u­la­tions in the emerg­ing con­di­tions of ‘san­i­tary apartheid’? • The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has alert­ed us to mech­a­nisms enabling the move­ment of resources to care and treat peo­ple, with vac­cine equi­ty a key issue both with­in and across bor­ders. In what ways can calls to glob­al health equi­ty be aligned to calls for mobil­i­ty jus­tice? How to sub­mit: To express your inter­est in par­tic­i­pat­ing, please send a 150–200 word abstract sum­ma­riz­ing your con­tri­bu­tion to by 31 July 2021. Impor­tant: We have some mod­est funds to sup­port the par­tic­i­pa­tion of health­care, advo­ca­cy or activist orga­ni­za­tions, so please be sure to let us know if you are in this cat­e­go­ry. The con­tri­bu­tions to the work­shop will take the form of short online pre­sen­ta­tions of 10–12 min­utes, linked by facil­i­tat­ed dis­cus­sion. We also wel­come par­tic­i­pa­tion of non-pre­sent­ing audi­ence mem­bers. We will pub­lish details on how to reg­is­ter for the work­shop as an audi­ence mem­ber along­side the final­ized program.

Anthro­pol­o­gy Mat­ters is a net­work of the ASA, who admin­is­ter this list. and AM is used to com­mu­ni­cate with post­grad­u­ate & post­doc­tor­al anthro­pol­o­gists work­ing in the UK and abroad to pro­vide alerts to: new issues of the Open Access Anthro­pol­o­gy Mat­ters jour­nal, and events of anthro­po­log­i­cal inter­est in the UK anthro­pol­o­gy com­mu­ni­ty such as con­fer­ences and sem­i­nars or fund­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Join the list or view archived mes­sages: To email the list use: ANTHROPOLOGY-MATTERS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK To unsub­scribe please click here: