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Holden Karau: Fighting Health Insurance Denials with AI: Using AI to make the world suck less

03. Dezem­ber 2024 

Talk and Workshop

Hold­en Karau: „Fight­ing Health Insur­ance Denials with AI: Using AI to make the world suck less”
Talk and Work­shop by Hold­en Karau
Decem­ber 3, 2024

In the talk (2–3PM) Hold­en Karau will share her expe­ri­ences build­ing Fight Health Insur­ance (, how it was built (, the moti­va­tions behind it (the Amer­i­can health­care sys­tem is bro­ken) and its (ear­ly) impact. You’ll learn about how we can use com­put­ers for good and some of the lim­its we face (name­ly, AI will not fix every­thing, but we can stop some of the bleed­ing for now). Some of the con­tent here will include men­tions of surgery, bro­ken bones, fax machines, and being a trans immi­grant in Amer­i­ca – please pri­or­i­tize your emo­tion­al well-being and if these top­ics sound like too much for you, but you’re still inter­est­ed in learn­ing more, come and join the work­shop that hap­pens after where we’ll be even more focused on the tech­nol­o­gy (although men­tions of health insur­ance are under­stand­ably unavoidable).

On Zoom:

3–5PM: Work­shop: Con­tribut­ing to Open-Source AI Tools with a focus on Fight Health Insur­ance – Devel­op­ers and Non-Devel­op­ers welcome

In this work­shop, we’ll have four tracks, with two for devel­op­ers and two for non-developers. 

For devel­op­ers, the two tracks:
• Improv­ing Retrieval Aug­ment­ed Gen­er­a­tion – incor­po­rat­ing exter­nal data into your mod­el with­out (most­ly Python)
• Improv­ing ML front-ends (Python, Javascript, Type­script, CSS, or HTML) 

For non-devel­op­ers (or devel­op­ers who want to take a break from writ­ing code):
• Improv­ing Machine Learn­ing Mod­els Through Con­tent Labeling
• Improv­ing access to ML tools for social good through documentation 

I hope you’ll join us in work­ing on this, and even if it’s not your jam, see­ing behind the cur­tain as AI tools are built and improved should be excit­ing for all*. For devel­op­ers look­ing to get start­ed, check out the GitHub repos under

*For a rel­a­tive­ly nerdy ver­sion of the word „all.”