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Ilana Gershon: The Pandemic Workplace

05. Dezem­ber 2024 

Bookp­re­sen­ta­tion in the frame­works of ELAN workshop 

„The Pan­dem­ic Workplace”
Book pre­se­ta­tion with Ilana Gershon
Decem­ber 5 at 14:30 UK time (15h30 CEST)

On Thurs­day, Decem­ber 5 at 14:30 UK time (15h30 CEST), we will con­tin­ue the ELAN work­shop series with the launch of Ilana Gershon’s new book, The Pan­dem­ic Work­place. We’ll dis­cuss the intro­duc­tion and con­clu­sion, attached here at this zoom link.

Car­ol Green­house (Prince­ton) will act as dis­cus­sant, con­sid­er­ing con­nec­tions between the pan­dem­ic work­place and Trump’s appeal explored in the book’s con­clu­sion, from the per­spec­tive of her research on democ­ra­cy and citizenship.