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Influence of Changing Ecologies on Health and Human Adaptation at Local, National and Global level

23. April – 24. April 2025 

CfP for Pan­el at HEAT 2025, Durham Uni­ver­si­ty, UK

Pan­el on “Influ­ence of Chang­ing Ecolo­gies on Health and Human Adap­ta­tion at Local, Nation­al and Glob­al level”
HEAT 2025
Durham Uni­ver­si­ty (UK)
April 23–24, 2025
Dead­line 13 Jan­u­ary 2025

Pan­el Abstract:
In Anthro­pol­o­gy, research on inter­ac­tions and the com­plex net­work of humans, health and envi­ron­ment start­ed ear­ly with the cul­tur­al ecol­o­gy the­o­ry and med­ical anthro­pol­o­gy in the 1930s and 1960s respec­tive­ly. The focus theme of these approach­es had been adap­ta­tion includ­ing fac­tors of genet­ics, phys­i­ol­o­gy, cul­ture and the approach­es assumed that health is deter­mined by envi­ron­men­tal adap­ta­tion and that dis­eases arise from envi­ron­men­tal imbal­ances. Fur­ther stud­ies are required to under­stand the con­sump­tion pat­terns which are asso­ci­at­ed with health risks affect­ing human biol­o­gy, ecol­o­gy and the epi­demi­ol­o­gy of emerg­ing and reemerg­ing dis­eases. As researchers, the press­ing ques­tion is the present sce­nario of region­al, nation­al and glob­al affairs such as cli­mate change, food inse­cu­ri­ty, envi­ron­men­tal health, demo­graph­ic shifts, etc. Though there are ongo­ing con­sis­tent efforts to iden­ti­fy strate­gies and bring out solu­tions, yet, it requires exten­sive stud­ies on eco­log­i­cal changes and the asso­ci­at­ed health dis­par­i­ties. With this back­drop, the pan­el invites papers/studies con­duct­ed with­in (but not lim­it­ed to) South Asia to explore the cross-cul­tur­al impact of eco­log­i­cal changes on pop­u­la­tions. It seeks to high­light health dis­par­i­ties aris­ing from these changes and have an in-depth dis­cus­sion on region­al-spe­cif­ic health impli­ca­tions, as well as include trends in research method­ol­o­gy. The pan­el, in con­clu­sion, will be address­ing the ‘Ecol­o­gy-Human Adap­ta­tion Imbal­ance’ and will try to iden­ti­fy the loop­holes and bring out prob­a­ble alter­na­tives for region-spe­cif­ic populations.

The pan­el will explore the extent to which chang­ing envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions bring about adverse health con­se­quences and adap­tive imbal­ance under var­i­ous eco­log­i­cal con­di­tions. The pan­el invites papers on the theme of ‘Ecol­o­gy-Human Adap­ta­tion Imbal­ance’ in the con­text of the fol­low­ing areas-

Tra­di­tion­al and mar­gin­alised communities.

Urban ecology.

Food environment.

Demog­ra­phy and access to Pub­lic Health. 

Age­ing and Envi­ron­ment Interaction

Adap­ta­tion to eco­log­i­cal vulnerabilities.

You can sub­mit your abstracts in the Abstract Man­age­ment Por­tal on or before 13 Jan­u­ary 2025. The abstract should not be more than 250 words and the above link pro­vides fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the process of abstract sub­mis­sion. All papers must be sub­mit­ted via the sub­mis­sion point on the con­fer­ence web­site (below). This should be uploaded in .doc or .pdf for­mat. Pro­pos­als must con­sist of:

Title of the pan­el you wish join;

The title of the paper you wish to present;

An abstract of no more than 250 words.

Paper pro­pos­als will be reviewed by pan­el convenor(s) and a deci­sion on whether the paper has been accept­ed or reject­ed will come from them.

Only papers sub­mit­ted via the link below will be con­sid­ered by pan­el convenors.

Web­site Link- Event Durham – Abstract Management 


You do not have to be an RAI or ASA mem­ber to pro­pose a paper.

You may only present once at the con­fer­ence. Pan­el chairs and dis­cus­sants may also present a paper on a dif­fer­ent panel.

All those attend­ing the con­fer­ence, includ­ing dis­cus­sants and chairs, will need to reg­is­ter and pay to attend.

For any query, kind­ly con­tact: