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Labouring in Hype: Tanzanian technologists and digital health in an era of techno-optimism

13. Okto­ber 2021 

Africa Talk host­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Birm­ing­ham Depart­ment of African Stud­ies and Anthro­pol­o­gy. Giv­en by Tom Neu­mark on Wednes­day 13th Octo­ber, 3.15pm.

The next (Zoom) Africa Talk host­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Birm­ing­ham Depart­ment of African Stud­ies and Anthro­pol­o­gy will be giv­en by Tom Neu­mark on Wednes­day 13th Octo­ber, 3.15pm.

Tom will speak on ‚Labour­ing in Hype: Tan­zan­ian tech­nol­o­gists and dig­i­tal health in an era of tech­no-opti­mism’.

Reg­is­tra­tion is via this link, which will take you to a sim­ple online form. You will then receive the Zoom meet­ing ID and pass­word by email.