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Medical Critique in Hashtags? Chronic Health Conditions on Social Media

11. März – 14. März 2025 

Pan­el orga­nized by the STS-Hub, Belrin

Call for papers in the „Med­ical Cri­tique in Hash­tags? Chron­ic Health Con­di­tions on Social Media” at the STS-Hub
Dead­line: 31.10.2024

The aim of the pan­el to dis­cuss the role of social media as a plat­form for gen­er­at­ing aware­ness and form­ing inter­est groups around med­ical cri­tique. In par­tic­u­lar, the pan­el wants to explore chron­ic health con­di­tions that receive inad­e­quate atten­tion with­in the estab­lished (bio)medical sys­tem, such as ADHD and autism in women, endometrio­sis, ME/CFS, and/or Long COVID. 

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