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On the move: Public Health in a globalized world

23. Mai – 24. Mai 2024 

Robert Koch Col­lo­qui­um 2024 (Hybrid)

Robert Koch Col­lo­qui­um 2024: „On the move: Pub­lic Health in a glob­al­ized world”
When: 23.05.2024–24.05.2024

The Robert Koch Col­lo­qui­um is an annu­al inter­dis­ci­pli­nary lec­ture series, each year focus­ing on one spe­cif­ic inno­v­a­tive pub­lic health top­ic, such as Bur­den of Dis­ease (2019), Pub­lic Health Sur­veil­lance (2021), Cli­mate Change and Pub­lic Health (2022), and Social Inequities in Health (2023). Each year, the Robert Koch Insti­tute, Germany’s nation­al Pub­lic Health Insti­tute, invites lead­ing experts to present and dis­cuss their area of work at the Robert Koch Col­lo­qui­um. This year’s col­lo­qui­um top­ic is „On the move: Pub­lic Health in a glob­al­ized world”. Over two days, a series of lec­tures address­es spe­cif­ic aspects of glob­al mobil­i­ty of pathogens and peo­ple. A final pan­el dis­cus­sion with experts treats the impli­ca­tions of increased mobil­i­ty on Pub­lic Health.

Pro­gram RKC2024