22. April 2021
The ‚Socio-gerontechnology network’ is organising a half-day online seminar and network event on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 (2pm – 4.30pm CET). We are happy to invite you to an interactive event: ‚Participatory Design as we Age’, which is the first in a series of events called, ‚International Conversations in Ageing and Technology’.
The seminar Participatory Design as we Age is aimed at experts in the field of co-design and participatory design together with scholars in the socio-gerontechnology network and ageing studies scholars to reflect on key issues of relevance to participatory design in the field of ageing and technology design
Before an interactive dialogue with you all-in breakout group, we will have 5‑minute provocations from scholars in the field of participatory design, ageing studies, socio-gerontechnology and human computer interaction (as below):
* Ann Light, University of Sussex; „We went in as old people…”: Bringing Life Experience to codesigning Futures
* John Vines, University of Edinburgh; „If participatory design is so good, why are we still surrounded by horrible technologies?”
* Linda Tonolli, University of Trento; „Active aging as ageism: participatory design to age in my own terms”
* Andreas Bischof, Chemnitz University of Technology, „Participation as Legitimation of Innovation – The Case of Robots for Care”
* Susan van Hees, Utrecht University; „The value of values in co-creating implementation pathways for digital innovations in health and ageing”
* Sanna Kuoppamäki, KTH Stockholm „Designing with care: Developing participatory approach in robot-assisted care”
You can subscribe here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/participatory-design-as-we-age-tickets-144384525001
The event is free to attend to those who register.
If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact Helen (Helen.Manchester@bristol.ac.uk), Juliana (jarke@uni-bremen.de) or Susan (s.v.vanhees@uu.nl)
For more information about the socio-gerontechnology network you can visit: https://www.socio-gerontechnology.net/
The ‚Socio-gerontechnology network’ is organising a half-day online seminar and network event on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 (2pm – 4.30pm CET). We are happy to invite you to an interactive event: ‚Participatory Design as we Age’, which is the first in a series of events called, ‚International Conversations in Ageing and Technology’.
The seminar Participatory Design as we Age is aimed at experts in the field of co-design and participatory design together with scholars in the socio-gerontechnology network and ageing studies scholars to reflect on key issues of relevance to participatory design in the field of ageing and technology design
Before an interactive dialogue with you all-in breakout group, we will have 5‑minute provocations from scholars in the field of participatory design, ageing studies, socio-gerontechnology and human computer interaction (as below):
* Ann Light, University of Sussex; „We went in as old people…”: Bringing Life Experience to codesigning Futures
* John Vines, University of Edinburgh; „If participatory design is so good, why are we still surrounded by horrible technologies?”
* Linda Tonolli, University of Trento; „Active aging as ageism: participatory design to age in my own terms”
* Andreas Bischof, Chemnitz University of Technology, „Participation as Legitimation of Innovation – The Case of Robots for Care”
* Susan van Hees, Utrecht University; „The value of values in co-creating implementation pathways for digital innovations in health and ageing”
* Sanna Kuoppamäki, KTH Stockholm „Designing with care: Developing participatory approach in robot-assisted care”
You can subscribe here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/participatory-design-as-we-age-tickets-144384525001
The event is free to attend to those who register.
If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact Helen (Helen.Manchester@bristol.ac.uk), Juliana (jarke@uni-bremen.de) or Susan (s.v.vanhees@uu.nl)
For more information about the socio-gerontechnology network you can visit: https://www.socio-gerontechnology.net/