07. Juni – 09. Juni 2023
Hybrid Conference of the European Network for Psychological Anthropology at the University of Oslo
The conference is meant as an inclusive forum for scholars from a wide range of disciplinary and thematic orientations. Critical perspectives on the concepts of mainstream psychology are encouraged; productive engagements across the disciplinary boundaries of anthropology and cognitive science, psychiatry, philosophy, evolutionary biology, and others will also be welcome.
The conference will be preceded by the Writing Workshop for Graduate Students and Early Career Scholars. The organizers will be able to offer several needs-based travel support stipends to students and early career scholars covering the extra night of the pre-conference.
Further information and updates can be found at: https://enpanthro.net/enpa2023- conference/. If you have any further questions regarding the conference and the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers at conference@enpanthro.net