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Rachel Hall-Clifford: A view from the underbelly: Childhood diarrhea and the hidden power dynamics of global health

19. Juni 2024 

Hybrid Med­ical Anthro­pol­o­gy Sem­i­nar at the Lon­don School of Hygiene & Trop­i­cal Medicine

Rachel Hall-Clif­ford: „A view from the under­bel­ly: Child­hood diar­rhea and the hid­den pow­er dynam­ics of glob­al health”
Wed 19th June, 1–2 pm BST
Hybrid event: in per­son and online

This lec­ture will exam­ine how glob­al health pro­grams per­pet­u­ate pow­er imbal­ances through the lived expe­ri­ences of Guatemalan com­mu­ni­ties in the deliv­ery of pro­gram­ming to curb child­hood diar­rhea. Based on field­work span­ning more than 15 years, this lec­ture rais­es ques­tions of pow­er and agency through the exam­ples of Mayan fam­i­lies who attempt to seek health­care for sick chil­dren in an exclu­sion­ary neolib­er­al care land­scape. Through the lens of child­hood diar­rheal dis­ease, this lec­ture will explore the path­ways of pow­er from the glob­al health experts and the wealthy nations and donors who fund them through to the peo­ple who must nav­i­gate among the offer­ings deliv­ered in com­mu­ni­ties. Co-design is pro­posed as one tool need­ed to build a more equi­table glob­al health. The lec­ture is drawn from the new­ly pub­lished mono­graph, Under­bel­ly: Child­hood Diar­rhea and the Hid­den Local Real­i­ties of Glob­al Health (MIT Press).

Rachel Hall-Clif­ford, PhD, MPH, MSc, is Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor in the Cen­ter for the Study of Human Health and the Depart­ments of Soci­ol­o­gy and Glob­al Health at Emory Uni­ver­si­ty. She is a med­ical anthro­pol­o­gist who applies social sci­ence approach­es to glob­al health research and imple­men­ta­tion. Her research areas include acces­si­ble health care for mar­gin­al­ized pop­u­la­tions, health sys­tems strength­en­ing in post-geno­cide con­texts, and glob­al health field­work ethics. She leads the Emory Co-Design Lab for Health Equi­ty, which cen­ters com­mu­ni­ty-led design and imple­men­ta­tion of glob­al health pro­grams, and is Co-Founder of the peri­na­tal mon­i­tor­ing toolk­it safe+natal.
