14. Mai 2021
An online reading group jointly organised by the CRASSH Health Medicine Agency Network and the Georgraphies of Health group at the University of Cambridge. This is going to take place on Friday 14th May at noon (British Summer Time).
It is my pleasure to invite you to an online reading group jointly organised by the CRASSH Health Medicine Agency Network and the Georgraphies of Health group at the University of Cambridge. This is going to take place on Friday 14th May at noon (British Summer Time).
For this joint reading group, we ask how we can understand and potentially intervene upon practices of (non)engagement between certain sociodemographic groups and healthcare services.
With Beatriz Aragon, a medical anthropologist and medical practitioner working alongside the Gipsy Roma Traveller community in Spain for years, we will read and discuss the second chapter of her PhD thesis, ‘The Admission Desk’. This chapter brilliantly describes healthcare access, prejudice and discrimination of GRT groups from the ground up.
To complement that perspective, we will discuss strategies to involve and engage with less heard communities in healthcare and research in the UK. Bella Starling, Vocal’s director and Wellcome Trust engagement fellow, will guide us through the innovative work that her team collaborates with a diverse range of community representatives in Manchester.
Diverging in their approaches, we want to provide a forum and two readings to discuss what is gained and what is lost from the methodological and conceptual decisions we make when trying to unpack issues such as ‘cultural difference’ concerning health-seeking and clinical research participation.
Visit http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/29646 for the zoom link, and essential and further reading.
We look forward to discussing these issues with you.