06. Juli – 20. Juli 2024
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Summer School
„Research-creation: critique, care and collaboration through creative practice”
VU Amsterdam Summer School
8–19 July
The course is aimed at supporting advanced Bachelor students and first year Master students. It will be taught in person/on campus and carries a study load of 3 ECTS.
For those unfamiliar with the term, research-creation is an approach to research that engages artistic expression, scholarly investigation, curiosity, and experimentation. In practice, this means that research topics are selected and explored through a creation process, such as the production of a film or video, performance or installation, sound-work, zine, or multimedia arts/texts.
This summer, the course will have a special focus on relationships, mental health, conflict in collaborations, and the messiness of co-creative work. We will draw on specific examples from queer, anti-colonial, migrant justice, and Palestinian liberation movements. The course will incorporate reading-based discussions, hands-on creative workshops, and examples of research-creation in practice, in an effort to engage broader discussions concerning methodology, ethics, responsibility, and (institutional) solidarities/activism within and beyond the university. To this end, this course will include presentations by scholars and practitioners from inside and outside of academia.
You can read more and register here.