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Roger Canals: Ethical images. On violence, trust and care

28. Feb­ru­ar 2024 

Webi­nar orga­nized by Uni­ver­si­ty of Barcelona/Visual Trust

„Eth­i­cal images: on vio­lence, trust and care”
28 Feb­ru­ary 16–17:30 CET/ 15–16.30 GMT/ 10–11:30 East­ern) on Zoom.
Online/University of Barcelona/Visual Trust
The link to the event:

We do eth­i­cal things with images. Images are not just rep­re­sen­ta­tions, but social agents which inter­vene in the world. Images weave the rela­tion­ships that we main­tain with oth­er peo­ple. Images may hurt, betray, or offend. Yet they can also be an offer­ing, a reward, a form of love, esteem, and care. In this talk, I will talk about vio­lence and care in images, not only focus­ing on how these eth­i­cal dis­po­si­tions have been depict­ed visu­al­ly, but rather on how they are nec­es­sar­i­ly involved in the process­es of image-mak­ing and image-cir­cu­la­tion. Most of the metaphors about the act of mak­ing images have been based on a mode of vio­lence and mis­trust. And if we changed this paradigm?

About the speaker:
Anthro­pol­o­gist and film­mak­er, Roger Canals is asso­ciate pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Barcelona. He is cur­rent­ly the PI of the ERC-Con­sol­ida­tor Grant Visu­al Trust. Reli­a­bil­i­ty, account­abil­i­ty and forgery in sci­en­tif­ic, reli­gious and social images (2021–2026). For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it this site:

The webi­nar series “Images, Age­ing and Care” is spon­sored by the Images of Care Col­lec­tive, Asso­ci­a­tion for Anthro­pol­o­gy, Geron­tol­ogy and the Life Course (AAGE), , EASA’s Age and Gen­er­a­tions Net­work (AgeNet) and the Net­work for Visu­al Anthro­pol­o­gy of the Euro­pean Asso­ci­a­tion of Social Anthro­pol­o­gists (VANEASA). The series is free and open to all. It gath­ers anthro­pol­o­gists and image-mak­ers inter­est­ed in explor­ing the onto­log­i­cal and epis­te­mo­log­i­cal con­nec­tions between images, aging and care, treat­ing the rela­tion­ship and these phe­nom­e­na as requir­ing and invit­ing inter­ro­ga­tion. Check up our cur­rent line-up here.

More on this event below as well as under this link: