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SEMINAR – Neglected tropical diseases: reasons for ’neglect’ in global health and how attention can be directed in the future

25. Feb­ru­ar 2021 

You are all warm­ly invit­ed to a sem­i­nar run by the Brighton and Sus­sex Med­ical School Social Sci­ence Forum.

Thurs­day 25th Feb­ru­ary at 12pm

Neglect­ed trop­i­cal dis­eases: rea­sons for ’neglect’ in glob­al health and how atten­tion can be direct­ed in the future 

Speak­er: Saman­tha Van­der­slott, Oxford University

Why do some health top­ics attract atten­tion, fund­ing, action, and resources, while oth­ers do not, and are neglect­ed? How are pri­or­i­ties defined and agen­das set in glob­al health? Neglect­ed trop­i­cal dis­eases are exem­plary of a health top­ic that has been sin­gled out as neglect­ed. A con­cert­ed effort has been made to address neglect and realign the pri­or­i­ties and agen­da set­ting in glob­al health that led to this group of dis­eases to be side­lined. How­ev­er, the under­ly­ing rea­son­ing and struc­tures that led to their neglect is still a fea­ture of glob­al health, and atten­tion must be redi­rect­ed to pre­vent fur­ther neglect and the neglect of oth­er health issues that are ignored. A paper from the speak­er can be down­loaded here:

Event zoom link:

All are wel­come, no back­ground in social sci­ence required. Please feel free to cir­cu­late and con­tact Gem on with any queries.


Warm regards

Gem Ael­lah

You are all warm­ly invit­ed to a sem­i­nar run by the Brighton and Sus­sex Med­ical School Social Sci­ence Forum.

Thurs­day 25th Feb­ru­ary at 12pm

Neglect­ed trop­i­cal dis­eases: rea­sons for ’neglect’ in glob­al health and how atten­tion can be direct­ed in the future 

Speak­er: Saman­tha Van­der­slott, Oxford University

Why do some health top­ics attract atten­tion, fund­ing, action, and resources, while oth­ers do not, and are neglect­ed? How are pri­or­i­ties defined and agen­das set in glob­al health? Neglect­ed trop­i­cal dis­eases are exem­plary of a health top­ic that has been sin­gled out as neglect­ed. A con­cert­ed effort has been made to address neglect and realign the pri­or­i­ties and agen­da set­ting in glob­al health that led to this group of dis­eases to be side­lined. How­ev­er, the under­ly­ing rea­son­ing and struc­tures that led to their neglect is still a fea­ture of glob­al health, and atten­tion must be redi­rect­ed to pre­vent fur­ther neglect and the neglect of oth­er health issues that are ignored. A paper from the speak­er can be down­loaded here:

Event zoom link:

All are wel­come, no back­ground in social sci­ence required. Please feel free to cir­cu­late and con­tact Gem on with any queries.


Warm regards

Gem Ael­lah