12. September – 13. September 2019
Social care for dependent people and the elderly is one of the major challenges currently facing our societies. According to demographic estimations, European countries will experience an increase in their elderly population in the near decades. On one hand, the increased longevity represents an historical triumph; however, on the other it brings with it the responsibility to even greater levels of care. Moreover, chronic diseases and functional diversity will also call for help and social support.
The starting point of the conference is the urgent need to democratize care to enable societies to take on more and larger responsibilities on a sustainable basis. Care is still disproportionally provided by the family and women, as the progressive and increasing role of men in childcare is not matched by a similar level of involvement in the care of dependent people and the elderly. Ways to enabling men to enter elderly and dependent care is an urgent yet under studied issue.
The purpose of this conference is to acknowledge the current challenge of democratising care at many different levels of the care organisation. Participants will reflect on the current distribution of care work from an intersectional perspective and in different contexts like families, labour market (private for profit or not for profit, and public organisations) and in communities; as well as in global care chains. Democratising care involves socializing care responsibilities, sharing care work between men and women, recognizing care and its centrality for life sustainability, dignifying and consolidating its professionalization, and taking into account the rights and demands of the people who are giving and receiving care. Special emphasis will be placed on emerging ways of redistributing care among men and women, care recognition (caring masculinities, public involvement, communitarian initiatives, labour dignification, among others). The main purpose is to identify key elements for promoting gender justice and social justice in care.
We invite contributions that reflect on these topics and analyse new data from different contexts and situations in which dependent people and the elderly are cared for. The conference values (cross-) regional, national, and transnational perspectives.
The conference will be held in September 12th and 13th at Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona, Spain). The official languages of the conference are Spanish and English. Further information on symposia and conferences will be updated in the following weeks. The organization of the conference does not cover travel and accommodation expenses.
Abstracts, in English or Spanish, of a maximum of 500 words should include: title, name and affiliation of author/s, academic position and e‑mail. They should also contain: selected thematic area, objectives, methodology, main lines of analysis and main sources, as well as 5 keywords.
Abstracts should be sent before April 30th to: gendercare@urv.cat The list of accepted proposals will be published on 5th of June 2019. The registration period (40€) will open on 6th of June 2019.
For any additional information, please contact with the conference administrator: gendercare@urv.cat
Social care for dependent people and the elderly is one of the major challenges currently facing our societies. According to demographic estimations, European countries will experience an increase in their elderly population in the near decades. On one hand, the increased longevity represents an historical triumph; however, on the other it brings with it the responsibility to even greater levels of care. Moreover, chronic diseases and functional diversity will also call for help and social support.
The starting point of the conference is the urgent need to democratize care to enable societies to take on more and larger responsibilities on a sustainable basis. Care is still disproportionally provided by the family and women, as the progressive and increasing role of men in childcare is not matched by a similar level of involvement in the care of dependent people and the elderly. Ways to enabling men to enter elderly and dependent care is an urgent yet under studied issue.
The purpose of this conference is to acknowledge the current challenge of democratising care at many different levels of the care organisation. Participants will reflect on the current distribution of care work from an intersectional perspective and in different contexts like families, labour market (private for profit or not for profit, and public organisations) and in communities; as well as in global care chains. Democratising care involves socializing care responsibilities, sharing care work between men and women, recognizing care and its centrality for life sustainability, dignifying and consolidating its professionalization, and taking into account the rights and demands of the people who are giving and receiving care. Special emphasis will be placed on emerging ways of redistributing care among men and women, care recognition (caring masculinities, public involvement, communitarian initiatives, labour dignification, among others). The main purpose is to identify key elements for promoting gender justice and social justice in care.
We invite contributions that reflect on these topics and analyse new data from different contexts and situations in which dependent people and the elderly are cared for. The conference values (cross-) regional, national, and transnational perspectives.
The conference will be held in September 12th and 13th at Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona, Spain). The official languages of the conference are Spanish and English. Further information on symposia and conferences will be updated in the following weeks. The organization of the conference does not cover travel and accommodation expenses.
Abstracts, in English or Spanish, of a maximum of 500 words should include: title, name and affiliation of author/s, academic position and e‑mail. They should also contain: selected thematic area, objectives, methodology, main lines of analysis and main sources, as well as 5 keywords.
Abstracts should be sent before April 30th to: gendercare@urv.cat The list of accepted proposals will be published on 5th of June 2019. The registration period (40€) will open on 6th of June 2019.
For any additional information, please contact with the conference administrator: gendercare@urv.cat