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The Body on Trial

15. Jan­u­ar 2025 

Vir­tu­al Lecture

„The Body on Trial” 

Jan­ka Kor­mos, a PhD can­di­date in the The­o­ret­i­cal Psy­cho­analy­sis pro­gram at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pécs in Hun­gary and a schol­ar of both psy­chol­o­gy and dance, will be shar­ing her research into the extra­or­di­nary his­to­ry of move­ment-based per­son­al­i­ty assess­ment and move­ment-behav­ior train­ing in the Cold War, through the work of Judith Kesten­berg. Ger­ar­do Con Diaz will be mod­er­at­ing. Please join us on Zoom this Wednesday!

The talk will be held Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 15, from 12:00–1:30 PST, on Zoom at:

The Body on Trial

The talk intro­duces the life and work of Judith S. Kestenberg’s (1910–1999) with par­tic­u­lar focus on the somat­ic ori­en­ta­tion that per­me­at­ed her oeu­vre. Her sto­ry is of a female inside/outsider, a Pol­ish-Jew­ish emi­gree psy­chi­a­trist who arrived in New York at the out­break of World War II. A non­con­formist, inno­v­a­tive albeit eclec­tic thinker who grav­i­tat­ed towards the unknown and unspeak­able; she stud­ied the somat­ic pre­cur­sors of psy­chic devel­op­ment and the kinaes­thet­ic imprints of trans­gen­er­a­tional trauma.
From an unortho­dox inte­gra­tion of psy­cho­an­a­lyt­ic thought and dance stud­ies, Kesten­berg devel­oped a move­ment-based per­son­al­i­ty assess­ment tech­nique between 1950–1965. Kesten­berg pro­posed that psy­chic and men­tal process­es are not only gen­er­at­ed by somat­ic expe­ri­ence but that move­ment behav­iour is an inher­ent part of the sym­bol­ic process. She stud­ied the mind of (and in) move­ment. In 1981, Judith and her hus­band, Mil­ton Kesten­berg, launched the Jerome Rik­er Inter­na­tion­al Study for the Organ­ised Per­se­cu­tion of Chil­dren which became one of the largest inter­na­tion­al oral his­to­ry projects on the trans­gen­er­a­tional effects of the Holo­caust. They col­lect­ed approx­i­mate­ly 1500 tes­ti­monies from child sur­vivors, chil­dren of sur­vivors and war-chil­dren. Kestenberg’s inter­view tech­nique aimed to recon­struct nar­ra­tives of child sur­vivors by evok­ing ear­ly kinaes­thet­ic mem­o­ries to sup­port repa­ra­tion claims of child sur­vivors for psy­cho­log­i­cal dam­ages in indem­ni­fi­ca­tion trials.
In the Cold-war dis­course of psy-sci­ences in the USA, bod­i­ly move­ment came to be viewed as an indi­ca­tor of dis­turbed per­son­al and group dynam­ics. The obser­va­tion, assess­ment and ther­a­peu­tic ‘re-train­ing’ of move­ment behav­iour promised psy­cho-tech­no­log­i­cal con­trol of soci­etal well-being which was demon­strat­ed by the var­i­ous meth­ods of move­ment analy­sis devel­oped dur­ing the sec­ond wave of the ‘Move­ment Move­ment’ in the 1960s.
Kestenberg’s view of the human body as a repos­i­to­ry of ear­ly trau­ma that exerts influ­ence on lat­er per­son­al­i­ty and her approach to move­ment behav­iour as a lan­guage that indi­cates dis-ease, sit­u­ates her work in the dom­i­nant cur­rents of post­war psy-sci­ences in the USA. Her psy­cho­an­a­lyt­i­cal­ly informed trau­ma stud­ies reflect the influ­ence of ther­a­peu­tic cul­ture on the grow­ing Holo­caust aware­ness in the 1980s con­tribut­ing to the con­struc­tion of sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion iden­ti­ties in the Unit­ed States.