22. November 2022
Presentation at the Bayreuth Anthro Colloquium
You are warmly invited to join us online for this week’s Anthropology Colloquium at the University of Bayreuth, on Tuesday, 22nd November from 630–8pm CET (530–7pm GMT).
We are delighted to welcome Prof. Vendelin Simon (University of Dar es Salaam), who will be discussing his work on The Newly Emerging Global Health Pandemics, and the Role of Anthropology in Public Health.
You are most welcome to join us on Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 636 8961 6916
Password: 948408
We look forward to seeing you there!
Very best,
Dr. Koreen M. Reece
Assistant Professor/Akademische Rätin, Social Anthropology
Universität Bayreuth