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Visual anthropology exhibition: Faces of Hypnosis

11. Novem­ber – 20. Dezem­ber 2024 

Exhi­bi­tion in London

Visu­al anthro­pol­o­gy exhi­bi­tion: “Faces of Hypnosis”
LSE Atri­um Gallery
Houghton Street, Lon­don (WC2A 2AE), UK
11 Nov – 20 Dec
Open from 10am to 8pm from Mon­day to Fri­day, and admis­sion is free.

“Faces of Hyp­no­sis” com­bines 31 ethno­graph­ic pho­tos, 45 min­utes of video instal­la­tion, and over 30 arte­facts and art­works to explore hyp­no­sis and the lives of the peo­ple who prac­tice it. It has a par­tic­u­lar focus on hyp­no­tists liv­ing in Indone­sia, there­by exam­in­ing how ideas about the mind, con­scious­ness, trance, and ther­a­py are con­strued and enact­ed by cit­i­zens of a Mus­lim-major­i­ty coun­try in the Glob­al South. The exhi­bi­tion could sup­port teach­ing in psy­cho­log­i­cal anthro­pol­o­gy, med­ical anthro­pol­o­gy, or visu­al anthropology.

You can access fur­ther details here: