26. Oktober 2021
Individuelles Textfeld
We are delighted to welcome Prof Sjaak van der Geest to the Social Science Forum at the Brighton and Sussex Centre for Global Health Research next week. The meeting is online. Please do circulate through your networks. Details below. To join our seminar series mailing list visit: http://eepurl.com/hy-Oej
Title: The Social Lives of Medicine
Speaker: Professor Sjaak Van Der Geest
When: October 26th, 2021 12:00 PM London (UTC+1)
Register in advance for this meeting: https://universityofsussex.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYlcOGgrTMtHtLz-zdFCL4nCnq2h2gseSZy
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. This meeting will be recorded. Please get in touch with Gem on g.aellah@bsms.ac.uk if you need any help with accessibility.
Seminar Description:
‚Saying that medicines have social lives is a metaphoric way of pointing out that medicines acquire different meanings in the company of different people, or to put it more generally, in different contexts. That metaphor also emphasizes the agency of medicines. Medicines are not only used by people for certain purposes (to produce and sell them and making a profit, to prevent disease, to reduce pain, to get better, to show empathy); in reverse, medicines are also agents that move people to think and act in specific ways. The lecture will highlight various examples of these ‘social lives’ based on our book on social lives of medicines.’
For more information about his work visit: https://www.sjaakvandergeest.socsci.uva.nl/index.htm