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The Social Lives of Medicine

26. Okto­ber 2021 

Indi­vidu­elles Textfeld

We are delight­ed to wel­come Prof Sjaak van der Geest to the Social Sci­ence Forum at the Brighton and Sus­sex Cen­tre for Glob­al Health Research next week. The meet­ing is online. Please do cir­cu­late through your net­works. Details below. To join our sem­i­nar series mail­ing list vis­it:

Title: The Social Lives of Medicine

Speak­er: Pro­fes­sor Sjaak Van Der Geest

When: Octo­ber 26th, 2021 12:00 PM Lon­don  (UTC+1)

Reg­is­ter in advance for this meet­ing:

After reg­is­ter­ing, you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion email con­tain­ing infor­ma­tion about join­ing the meet­ing. This meet­ing will be record­ed. Please get in touch with Gem on  if you need any help with accessibility.

Sem­i­nar Description:

‚Say­ing that med­i­cines have social lives is a metaphor­ic way of point­ing out that med­i­cines acquire dif­fer­ent mean­ings in the com­pa­ny of dif­fer­ent peo­ple, or to put it more gen­er­al­ly, in dif­fer­ent con­texts. That metaphor also empha­sizes the agency of med­i­cines. Med­i­cines are not only used by peo­ple for cer­tain pur­pos­es (to pro­duce and sell them and mak­ing a prof­it, to pre­vent dis­ease, to reduce pain, to get bet­ter, to show empa­thy); in reverse, med­i­cines are also agents that move peo­ple to think and act in spe­cif­ic ways. The lec­ture will high­light var­i­ous exam­ples of these ‘social lives’ based on our book on social lives of medicines.’


For more infor­ma­tion about his work vis­it: