27. Mai – 28. Mai 2019
Date: 27–28.5.2019
Venue: Schlaues Haus Oldenburg
Prof. Dr. Mark Schweda
(University of Oldenburg, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Health Services Research)
Dr. Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty
(University Medical Center Göttingen, Dept. of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine)
The role of temporality in bioethical debates has long been neglected: What does it mean for bioethical reasoning that life is lived, experienced, and understood as a process in time with fundamental temporal characteristics such as directedness, irreversibility, or finality? What does it mean that life is traditionally interpreted in terms of a particular temporal structure and extension, including a sequence of phases or stages connected to different social roles, norms and expectations? What does it mean that certain medical interventions and accompanying moral questions and conflicts focus on particular points in life?
The lack of reflection on the relevance of human temporality becomes particularly salient in ethical discussions at the beginning and end of life. Many bioethical discussions on the beginning of life rest on moral assumptions about the development of humanexistence over time. An example are the debates on prenatal diagnosis and abortion and the underlying models of phases of fetal development, or the bioethical discussions on informed consent and proxy decision making in the treatment of neonates.Bioethical debates on reproduction also exemplify the importance of temporality. For example, the common metaphor of the „biological clock” encompasses concerns about (reproductive) ageing and the finality of women’s reproduction. Finally, medical interventions in the fields of geriatric medicine and biogerontology promote more ambitious standards of health, fitness, and functionality for later life and challenge common views of aging and the life course.
This international and interdisciplinary workshop is dedicated to the role and relevance of temporality for ethical reasoning in the field of biomedicine, healthcare, and the life sciences at the beginning, middle and end of life. It aims to develop a more concrete, empirically informed and culturally sensitive perspective on bioethics and human temporality. Talks by Claudia Bozzaro (Freiburg), Nolwenn Bühler (Lausanne/Neuchâtel), Limor Meoded Danon (Jerusalem), Jozef Dorscheidt (Groningen), Naomi Gershoni (Beer-Sheva), Solveig Lena Hansen (Göttingen), Julia Perry (Göttingen), Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty (Göttingen), Ari Schick (Jerusalem), Mark Schweda (Oldenburg) & Karin Jongsma (Utrecht) (for program, see https://uol.de/medizinethik/workshop-bioethics-and-human-temporality/).
Due to limited space, registration is required by May 1st, 2019. Please register via email: nitzan.rimon-zarfaty@medizin.uni-goettingen.de
ד„ר ניצן רימון-צרפתי
Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty, Ph.D
Phone: +49–1525-5800650
Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
University Medical Centre Gottingen
E‑mail address: rimonn@post.bgu.ac.il
Date: 27–28.5.2019
Venue: Schlaues Haus Oldenburg
Prof. Dr. Mark Schweda
(University of Oldenburg, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Health Services Research)
Dr. Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty
(University Medical Center Göttingen, Dept. of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine)
The role of temporality in bioethical debates has long been neglected: What does it mean for bioethical reasoning that life is lived, experienced, and understood as a process in time with fundamental temporal characteristics such as directedness, irreversibility, or finality? What does it mean that life is traditionally interpreted in terms of a particular temporal structure and extension, including a sequence of phases or stages connected to different social roles, norms and expectations? What does it mean that certain medical interventions and accompanying moral questions and conflicts focus on particular points in life?
The lack of reflection on the relevance of human temporality becomes particularly salient in ethical discussions at the beginning and end of life. Many bioethical discussions on the beginning of life rest on moral assumptions about the development of humanexistence over time. An example are the debates on prenatal diagnosis and abortion and the underlying models of phases of fetal development, or the bioethical discussions on informed consent and proxy decision making in the treatment of neonates.Bioethical debates on reproduction also exemplify the importance of temporality. For example, the common metaphor of the „biological clock” encompasses concerns about (reproductive) ageing and the finality of women’s reproduction. Finally, medical interventions in the fields of geriatric medicine and biogerontology promote more ambitious standards of health, fitness, and functionality for later life and challenge common views of aging and the life course.
This international and interdisciplinary workshop is dedicated to the role and relevance of temporality for ethical reasoning in the field of biomedicine, healthcare, and the life sciences at the beginning, middle and end of life. It aims to develop a more concrete, empirically informed and culturally sensitive perspective on bioethics and human temporality. Talks by Claudia Bozzaro (Freiburg), Nolwenn Bühler (Lausanne/Neuchâtel), Limor Meoded Danon (Jerusalem), Jozef Dorscheidt (Groningen), Naomi Gershoni (Beer-Sheva), Solveig Lena Hansen (Göttingen), Julia Perry (Göttingen), Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty (Göttingen), Ari Schick (Jerusalem), Mark Schweda (Oldenburg) & Karin Jongsma (Utrecht) (for program, see https://uol.de/medizinethik/workshop-bioethics-and-human-temporality/).
Due to limited space, registration is required by May 1st, 2019. Please register via email: nitzan.rimon-zarfaty@medizin.uni-goettingen.de
ד„ר ניצן רימון-צרפתי
Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty, Ph.D
Phone: +49–1525-5800650
Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
University Medical Centre Gottingen
E‑mail address: rimonn@post.bgu.ac.il