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Workshop on Developing New Models for Pharmaceutical Innovation: towards a Mixed Economy

15. Juni 2024 

Inter­na­tion­al work­shop in Ams­ter­dam, Netherlands

Inter­na­tion­al work­shop on „Devel­op­ing New Mod­els for Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Inno­va­tion: towards a Mixed Economy”
July 15, 2024
Ams­ter­dam, Netherlands


This work­shop will bring togeth­er key inter­na­tion­al organ­i­sa­tions, pol­i­cy­mak­ers, schol­ars, clin­i­cians, patients, SME phar­ma rep­re­sen­ta­tives, and oth­er involved prac­ti­tion­ers to dis­cuss alter­na­tive, col­lab­o­ra­tive ways of devel­op­ing new med­i­cines. See sum­ma­ry below.

We are delight­ed to have a num­ber of great speak­ers already con­firmed, includ­ing Els Tor­reele, Michael Hop­kins, Susi Geiger, Ellen Moors, Don­ald Lo, Jon de Vlieger, Saco de Viss­er and Roz Scourse from Médecins Sans Fron­tières (MSF) – and there are more to come!

This work­shop is sup­port­ed by EATRIS, Future Afford­able Sus­tain­able Ther­a­pies, and Lyga­ture and spon­sored by Social Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Inno­va­tion (SPIN), Utrecht Uni­ver­si­ty, iHu­man, Uni­ver­si­ty of Sheffield, and Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Dublin.

The event has already sparked a great deal of inter­est and we expect it to be over­sub­scribed, so we encour­age you to reg­is­ter soon. This can be done via this form.

For more infor­ma­tion please con­tact Tineke ( or Paul (