

Vergangene Vorträge


15. Mrz 2022

“Possessed or Not Possessed? This is the Answer” von Andrea De Antoni


Individuelles Textfeld

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04. Nov 2021

The Silk Roads as a Model for Exploring Eurasian Transmissions of Medical Knowledge


Virtual talk that will take place in just over two weeks with Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, who will be talking about medical knowledge and the Silk Road.

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

13. Okt 2021

Labouring in Hype: Tanzanian technologists and digital health in an era of techno-optimism


Africa Talk hosted by the University of Birmingham Department of African Studies and Anthropology. Given by Tom Neumark on Wednesday 13th October, 3.15pm.

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

11. Jul 2021

Living Breath: Tuberculosis, resistance, and the poetics of life itself


The weekly lecture series of the Institute of Anthropology and the Institute of African Studies at the University of Leipzig. On Monday 11 July, Andrew McDowell (U Tulane) will speak about "Living Breath: Tuberculosis, resistance, and the poetics of life itself".

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

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