

11. – 26. Feb 2024

Ethics seminars for 2024


Offered by the St. André Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter for Ethics and Integri­ty (France)

St. André Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter for Ethics and Integri­ty is pleased to announce the fol­low­ing Ethics sem­i­nars for 2024

Ethics of End-of-Life Care: Con­tri­bu­tions from the Arts and Human­i­ties (Feb­ru­ary 11–17, 2024, in Rome, Italy)

Ethics Edu­ca­tors Work­shop (Sep­tem­ber 16–20, 2024, in Rochefort du Gard, near Avi­gnon, France) 

Bioethics Col­lo­qui­um (Sep­tem­ber 23–26, 2024, in Rochefort du Gard, near Avi­gnon, France)

Health Care Ethics: Catholic Per­spec­tives (Octo­ber 22–26, 2024, in Rochefort du Gard, near Avi­gnon, France)

More info here

If you are inter­est­ed in par­tic­i­pat­ing or have ques­tions about the sem­i­nars, please con­tact Dr. Jos Welie MA, MMeds, JD, PhD, FACD direct­ly: info[at]

Fly­er-StAI­CEI 2024 seminars


23. – 26. Sep 2024

„Transition in Health”


Work­shop at VANDA (Vien­na Anthro­pol­o­gy Days) 2024

Work­shop „Tran­si­tion in Health”
VANDA (Vien­na Anthro­pol­o­gy Days) Con­fer­enceni in Vienna
Sep­tem­ber 23–26, 2024
Eva-Maria Knoll, Mal­go­rza­ta Rajtar
Dead­line: 01.06.2024

Anthro­pol­o­gy has long been pre­oc­cu­pied with tran­si­tion. Tran­si­tions, famous­ly cap­tured by Van Gennep’s “rites of pas­sage” or Turner’s con­cept of “lim­i­nal­i­ty”, punc­tu­ate human life, which is embed­ded in cul­ture and soci­ety. Tran­si­tion may also serve as a lens to ana­lyze change and adap­ta­tion in soci­ety (e.g. Hasan 2023) and was exten­sive­ly used in the con­text of post­so­cial­ism (e.g. Buyan­del­geriyn 2008). Build­ing on this long-stand­ing tra­di­tion of anthro­po­log­i­cal engage­ment with the con­cept of tran­si­tion, this work­shop invites social sci­ence, in par­tic­u­lar ethno­graph­ic con­tri­bu­tions focus­ing on spa­tial, struc­tur­al, and tem­po­ral aspects of tran­si­tions in the med­ical field. In med­i­cine, tran­si­tion is e.g. under­stood as a “mul­ti-dimen­sion­al process, involv­ing patients, care­givers, providers, and the med­ical sys­tem as a whole” (Cheng et al. 2021). Due to the devel­op­ment of med­ical tech­nolo­gies and treat­ment modal­i­ties, an increas­ing num­ber of peo­ple with chron­ic and/or rare dis­eases reach adult­hood and expe­ri­ence a tran­si­tion from pedi­atric to adult care (Jae 2018). In some instances, this is unchart­ed ter­ri­to­ry for both patients and care providers. Tran­si­tions, as pas­sages of change, may also be expe­ri­enced on a mun­dane lev­el by patients who change their dietary and/or drug reg­i­mens or by health per­son­nel who climb the med­ical career lad­der. We encour­age ethno­graph­i­cal­ly ground­ed analy­ses that address both large-scale tran­si­tions and mun­dane moments of tran­si­tion in health and health­care. We are also inter­est­ed in papers exam­in­ing failed tran­si­tions or tran­si­tions that had to be abandoned. 



9. – 10. Okt 2024

Sweden-oriented meeting for Medicine and Health Phd Students


Meet­ing at Umea Uni­ver­si­ty, Sweden

23. Okt 2024

Solidary pharma? Contemporary proposals for pharma reform in the European Union


Online webi­nar

Online Webi­nar: Sol­idary phar­ma? Con­tem­po­rary pro­pos­als for phar­ma reform in the Euro­pean Union
23rd of October
3:00 – 4:30 pm CET

Reg­is­tra­tion: Please reg­is­ter to receive a link to the webi­nar. The link will be sent to you by e‑mail a few days before the webinar.

Details: At this webi­nar, we will dis­cuss and com­pare two cur­rent pol­i­cy pro­pos­als that include calls for more sol­idary prac­tices in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sec­tor: 1) The ‘Pan­dem­ic Treaty’ that is cur­rent­ly nego­ti­at­ed, tabled by the Pres­i­dent of the Euro­pean Coun­cil in autumn 2021 and car­ried for­ward by the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, and 2) the Euro­pean Commission’s pro­pos­al for reg­u­la­to­ry reform that address­es the autho­riza­tion and super­vi­sion of med­i­c­i­nal prod­ucts pub­lished in spring 2023.

These reg­u­la­to­ry mea­sures seem to devel­op through sep­a­rate process­es and are rarely dis­cussed togeth­er. How­ev­er, they share sim­i­lar aims of pro­vid­ing for more equi­table access and the shar­ing of crit­i­cal med­ical resources inter­na­tion­al­ly – albeit by dif­fer­ent pol­i­cy mea­sures. We seek to iden­ti­fy the over­laps and dis­crep­an­cies between the two pol­i­cy pro­pos­als and reflect on what aca­d­e­mics and civ­il soci­ety togeth­er might do to help direct them toward glob­al solidarity.

Three dis­tin­guished speak­ers will pro­vide a short intro­duc­tion to the pol­i­cy reforms and set the scene for discussion:

- Prof. Susi Geiger, Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Dublin
– Sara Rafael Almei­da, Pol­i­cy Offi­cer, Euro­pean Commission
– Jaume Vidal, Senior Pol­i­cy Advi­sor, Health Action International


Vergangene Workshops


22. Jul - 23. Jul 2024

Thinking with Drugs: Interventions in the Social


Event at Goldsmiths University (London)

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

06. Jul - 20. Jul 2024

Research-creation: critique, care and collaboration through creative practice


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Summer School

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

05. Jul - 06. Jul 2024

Marburger Gespräche zur Alten Heilkunde


Jahrestreffen der „Marburger Gespräche zur Alten Heilkunde“ (MGAH)

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

15. Jun 2024

Workshop on Developing New Models for Pharmaceutical Innovation: towards a Mixed Economy


International workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

12. Jun - 15. Jun 2024

Workshop on Healing Ecologies and Medical Diversity: Ethnographic Approaches to Wellbeing


Hybrid workshop

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

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