

27. – 5. Mai 2025

Freiburger Filmforum 2025


Film­fes­ti­val in Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg­er Filmforum

Dear Film Enthu­si­asts, get your cal­en­dars out and look for­ward to a fes­ti­val week filled with high-qual­i­ty films, engag­ing exchanges, and fes­ti­val atmos­phere! From May 27 to June 1, 2025, the Freiburg­er Film­fo­rum Fes­ti­val of Tran­scul­tur­al Cin­e­ma [1] will take place at the Kom­mu­nales Kino Freiburg. With numer­ous guests
and an exten­sive accom­pa­ny­ing pro­gram, we are cel­e­brat­ing a dou­ble anniver­sary: 40 years of the Film­fo­rum and the 10th anniver­sary of our Stu­dents’ Platform.

The fes­ti­val address­es both con­tem­po­rary and his­tor­i­cal, socio-polit­i­cal and cul­tur­al top­ics, aim­ing to inspire aes­thet­ic and the­o­ret­i­cal engage­ment with diver­si­ty and cul­tur­al dif­fer­ence. At the heart of the fes­ti­val are in-depth film dis­cus­sions between the audi­ence and the film­mak­ers or protagonists.

Young per­spec­tives shape the Stu­dents’ Plat­form. The over­whelm­ing response to the Call for Entries promis­es a rich pro­gram that is right on the pulse of the times. With the focus „Resound­ing Resis­tance,” the fes­ti­val will par­tic­u­lar­ly hon­or works that have emerged under the com­plex con­di­tions of threat, vio­lence, and displacement.

The Ate­liers Varan [2], co-ini­ti­at­ed by Jean Rouch in Paris, have been orga­niz­ing doc­u­men­tary film work­shops world­wide since the ear­ly 1980s. In the main pro­gram, the Film­fo­rum will present a char­ac­ter­is­tic selec­tion of films pro­duced in the „Ate­liers” ? simul­ta­ne­ous­ly in Freiburg and at the Tashkent Film School [3] in Uzbekistan.

For all ear­ly birds, there is a dis­count­ed tick­et avail­able for ?55 [4] until mid-Feb­ru­ary! You can find infor­ma­tion regard­ing accom­mo­da­tions, trav­el, and tick­ets on our web­site under „Ser­vice”. We are hap­py to assist excur­sion groups in find­ing a place to sleep (mail to Stay updat­ed on Insta­gram [5] and
Face­book [6].

Let’s make the cin­e­ma a vibrant place of encounter and exchange. We look for­ward to see­ing you!



Vergangene Filme


16. Nov. 2024

44th edition of the Jean Rouch International Festival


Submissions deadline November 16, 2024.

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

30. Apr. 2024

Summer School in ethnographic and documentary filmmaking


Filmmaking 4 fieldwork

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung


18. Nov. - 03. Dez. 2021

Jean Rouch International Film Festival


Film submissions for the 41st edition of the Jean Rouch International Film Festival are now open! The deadline is November, 15th 2021.
The festival will be held from May 5-12, 2022, at the Musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac (Paris), which is becoming the new venue and partner of the festival.

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

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