

23. – 26. Jul 2024

MedAnthro Panels & Roundtables EASA conference (Barcelona, 23–26 July 2024)


Invi­ta­tion to MedAn­thro Pan­els & Round­ta­bles EASA con­fer­ence (Barcelona, 23–26 July 2024)

23. – 26. Jul 2024

Pathologies of Imitation


CfP for in per­son Pan­el “Patholo­gies of Imi­ta­tion” at EASA’s Bien­ni­al Con­fer­ence (23–26 July, Barcelona)

Pan­el “Patholo­gies of Imitation”
EASA Bien­ni­al Conference
23–26 July, Barcelona
CfP dead­line: 23:59 CET on Jan­u­ary 22nd 2024

Pan­el Concept:
Imi­ta­tion is fun­da­men­tal to human social life, under­pin­ning every­thing from entrain­ment in cul­tur­al prac­tices to inter­ac­tion­al rap­port and the emu­la­tion of eth­i­cal exem­plars. Yet at times, the urge to imi­tate is con­sid­ered med­ical­ly and/or moral­ly patho­log­i­cal: when echoprax­ia (‘com­pul­sive imi­ta­tion’) is flagged as a med­ical symp­tom; in anx­i­eties around ‘copy­cat’ crimes and sui­cides, and in moral pan­ics around pla­gia­rism, online imper­son­ation, and ‘West­ox­i­fi­ca­tion’ – to name but a few. Tak­ing such ‘patholo­gies of imi­ta­tion’ as a start­ing point, this pan­el seeks to devel­op exist­ing anthro­po­log­i­cal lit­er­a­tures on mime­sis and relat­ed phe­nom­e­na by high­light­ing the affec­tive and moral com­plex­i­ties of being an imi­ta­tive subject.
We invite papers that exam­ine how, why, and to what effect cer­tain forms of imi­ta­tion are con­strued and expe­ri­enced as patho­log­i­cal in diverse con­tem­po­rary set­tings. Whose inter­ests are best served by imitation’s pathol­o­gi­sa­tion – and is this kind of polit­i­cal analy­sis suf­fi­cient for under­stand­ing the dis­tress­ing or con­flict­ed ways that peo­ple some­times expe­ri­ence their own imi­ta­tive urges and prac­tices? How and why do eth­i­cal tra­di­tions accord imi­ta­tions dif­fer­ent degrees of moral valence? Is that chang­ing as new tech­nolo­gies trans­form the labour involved in imi­ta­tion? What causal log­ics are used to account for, resolve, and pre­vent ‘inap­pro­pri­ate imi­ta­tion’, to what social worlds do they give rise, and how seri­ous­ly should anthro­pol­o­gists take them? Indeed, what can anthro­pol­o­gy ‘do’ to sup­port those suf­fer­ing in their rela­tion­ships to imi­ta­tion – and which aspects of the anthro­po­log­i­cal canon might a study of imitation’s patholo­gies sug­gest need to be ‘undone’?

Sub­mis­sion details:
Paper pro­pos­als should be sub­mit­ted online via the con­fer­ence por­tal (here)

Any queries/Questions?
Please feel free to get in touch with us on N.J.Long[at] (Nick) and jacob.copeman[at] (Jacob)


23. – 26. Jul 2024

Unpacking temporal, spatial and relational dimensions of care trajectories in life-limiting illness


Invi­ta­tion to con­tri­bu­tions to the pan­el „Unpack­ing tem­po­ral, spa­tial and rela­tion­al dimen­sions of care tra­jec­to­ries in life-lim­it­ing ill­ness” at the upcom­ing EASA con­fer­ence in Barcelona (23–26 July 2024)

Pan­el „Unpack­ing tem­po­ral, spa­tial and rela­tion­al dimen­sions of care tra­jec­to­ries in life-lim­it­ing illness”
EASA conference
Barcelona July 23–26, 2024

short abstract max 300 char­ac­ters + long abstract of max 250 words
Dead­line: Jan­u­ary 22, 2024.

Natashe Lemos Dekker (Lei­den University)
Annemarie Samuels (Lei­den University)
Rikke Sand Ander­sen (Aarhus Uni­ver­si­ty and Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Denmark)

Short Abstract:
This pan­el brings togeth­er anthro­pol­o­gists study­ing tem­po­ral, spa­tial and rela­tion­al dimen­sions of care tra­jec­to­ries. It invites empir­i­cal and con­cep­tu­al explo­rations that are based on ethno­graph­ic research on care for peo­ple expe­ri­enc­ing life-lim­it­ing illness.

Long Abstract:
This pan­el aims to bring togeth­er anthro­pol­o­gists study­ing tem­po­ral, spa­tial and rela­tion­al dimen­sions of care tra­jec­to­ries of peo­ple expe­ri­enc­ing life-lim­it­ing ill­ness. The bur­geon­ing anthro­po­log­i­cal lit­er­a­ture on care con­cep­tu­al­izes care­giv­ing across insti­tu­tion­al and non-insti­tu­tion­al bound­aries and as both a form of labour and an affec­tive force (e.g. Buch 2018, Strong 2020, McK­ear­ney and Amrith 2021) and high­lights the embod­i­ment of care (Auli­no 2016; Jack­son 2021) as well as a resis­tance against total­iz­ing con­cep­tu­al­iza­tions (Cubel­lis 2020; Steven­son 2020). Invit­ing empir­i­cal and con­cep­tu­al explo­rations of care tra­jec­to­ries, we seek to high­light tem­po­ral, spa­tial and rela­tion­al move­ments of care prac­tices (cf. Solomon 2022), par­tic­u­lar­ly for and by peo­ple affect­ed by life-lim­it­ing illness.
In a con­text of chang­ing wel­fare states and increas­ing glob­al imple­men­ta­tions of forms of Uni­ver­sal Health Cov­er­age, we ask: How do care rela­tions and care needs change dur­ing ill­ness tra­jec­to­ries? How do care­givers and patients move across bor­ders and insti­tu­tions to pro­vide and access care? What expec­ta­tions do they have of care tra­jec­to­ries and what alter­na­tive tra­jec­to­ries do they envi­sion? And how may ethno­graph­ic research on care tra­jec­to­ries lay bare the inter­sec­tion­al inequal­i­ties that shape people’s pos­si­bil­i­ties to give and access care over time? We invite pan­el con­trib­u­tors to unpack the con­cept of care tra­jec­to­ries based on ethno­graph­ic research, and to con­tribute to ongo­ing dis­cus­sions on the con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion of care.


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Vergangene Panels


28. Jun - 30. Jun 2023

“Ageing contested”. Exploring anti-ageing bio-hacking and repair practices in later life


Panel at the STS Italia Conference at the University of Bologna

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

07. Jun - 10. Jun 2023

Medical Precarity in Uncertain Times: Understanding Contemporary Healthcare Design, Malfunction, and Collapse


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Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

31. Mai - 03. Jun 2023

Creating futures: Revisiting (the transformation of) care networks in African countries


Panel at the European Conference on African Studies at the University of Cologne

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

08. Mai - 10. Mai 2023

Hope, Hype and Lowering Expectations in the Life Science Industry


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Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

11. Apr - 14. Apr 2023

The human social in psychiatric practice


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Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

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