

Vergangene Panels


25. Juli - 28. Juli 2023

Troubled Knowledge: Health, Harm and the Environment in late Industrialism


Panel at the DGSKA (Deutsche Gesellenschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie) conference in Munich

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25. Juli - 28. Juli 2023

Families Managing Health and Wellbeing in Times of Crisis


Panel at the German Anthropological Association's (DGSKA e.V.) biannual conference "Contested Knowledge: Perspectives in Social
and Cultural Anthropology" at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

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25. Juli - 28. Juli 2023

Being in/ at Work: Repositioning Knowledge about Work, Disability, Chronicity


Panel at the DGSKA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie) conference in Munich

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28. Juni - 30. Juni 2023

Interesting worlds as matters of caring and commoning


Panel at the 9th STS Italia Conference in Bologna

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28. Juni - 30. Juni 2023

“Ageing contested”. Exploring anti-ageing bio-hacking and repair practices in later life


Panel at the STS Italia Conference at the University of Bologna

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