

Vergangene Workshops


23. Sep - 24. Sep 2021

Healthcare on the Move: Future Directions


University of Glasgow Lancaster University Welcome Trust Doctors within Borders: Networking Initiative on Mobile Populations in Contemporary Health Systems Healthcare on the Move: Future Directions Online Workshop 3 23-24 September 2021.

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23. Aug 2021

Healthcare and the State: The uneasy reception of public healthcare measures and discourses (fwd)


A discussion workshop on "*Healthcare and the State: The uneasy reception of public healthcare measures and discourses*", to take place on the* 23rd of August 2021, 2 pm to 5 pm CET*.

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22. Jun 2021

Romani Studies in the Age of COVID-19


Individuelles Textfeld

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20. Jun - 27. Jun 2021

Digital health innovation: intersections between design, technology and gender


The Centre for Gender Studies, Karlstad University, is organizing the summer school “Digital health innovation: intersections between design, technology and gender” together with the Gender Studies Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the project Digital Well Arena.

The summer school will take place between the 20.06. and the 27.06.2021 and is aimed at MA and PhD-students or professionals working in the transdisciplinary contexts of healthcare and/or digital (health) technology as well as people who engage with these contexts from a social science and/or humanities perspective. Due to COVID-19, the summer school will be conducted online. Registration for the summer school closes on the 15th of March 2021. Participation is limited to 20 people. You can find more information about the summer school and how to register under the following link:

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17. Jun - 18. Jun 2021

Paradoxes of Healthcare Entitlements in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Crisis Response and Hostile Environments


Individuelles Textfeld

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