

Vergangene Workshops


02. Nov 2022

Alone in a crisis: Reflections on recent personal, financial, and health shifts  


Virtual Workshop at the University of Western Australia

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27. Okt - 28. Okt 2022

Environmental Dis-ease. Co-productions of Toxic Politics


Workshop at the University of Vienna

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25. Okt - 28. Okt 2022

Troubled Knowledge: Health, Harm and the Environment in late Industrialism


We wish to discuss in how far anthropological methods provide the necessary time and depth to further knowledge on experiences and relations through which growing levels of toxicity, pollution, and atmospheric warming manifest as health is-sues, as well as to understand the controversial and informal forms of knowledge production that surround this

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20. Sep 2022

Methodenpluralismus in Kulinarischer Ethnologie und Ernährungssoziologie


Workshop der AG Kulinarische Ethnologie zum Thema "Methodenpluralismus in Kulinarischer Ethnologie und Ernährungssoziologie".

Link zu dieser Veranstaltung

24. Aug 2022

Körperkulturbewegung in der Weimarer Republik


Workshop der BBF | Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung des DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation | Berlin

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